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almost 6 years

SinB stole this idea from me in my dreams so im taking this back

i will give my honest opinion for whoever comments in my own sense of english since i have no clue how to type coherently (this is. a bot doing this for me) okay ty and goodnight, hahah jokes it's almost 9 am lol fooled you all

EDIT: i spelt charlie wrong for the movie, suck my peepee heck. i didn't know that's how it was spelt i only ever seen CHARLEY.

1 signature 1 dab
3 signed
sign or both your arms will break forever and you can never dab again
best live action tim burton film?
Charley and the Chocolate Factory
Edward Scissorhands
Alice in Wonderland
Sleepy Hollow
Alice Through the Looking Glass
over 5 years

TanB says

do me, i expect a long heartfelt paragraph

honestly, you annoy me sometimes but you are also 16 and i don't get along with most people younger than me. i think you are a good person but you are very immature so it makes it difficult for me to want to have a conversation with you. we were close for a bit and i confided in you with some stuff and i appreciate you being there for me when i was struggling, i don't dislike you but i don't think i could be as friendly as we were. i think you just need to grow up more and be more mature, it's understandable bc you legit still have to grow up. this isn't to attack you or anything vjnfkdm. overall, you can be a good person when you want but you act dumb at times
over 5 years
do me, i expect a long heartfelt paragraph
over 5 years
almost 6 years

mitra says

im crynign???? thank you so much. i wish you the best always and forever, you did not deserve to go through half of the things you have gone through but you are so strong. and SO BEAUTIFUL!!!!!! i feel lowkey scared to dm u lmaoo but i do want to be your bff, theres a lot we can catch up on :-)

syd says

mitra says


hi you are my OLDEST em friend bhvdm. you are such a kind and sweet soul and so beautiful and i hope you are thriving in life bc you really deserve it. im glad you and i stayed as friends bc i know i lost a lot of mutual friends we had but i appreciate a lot you stuck around as my friend. you are such a positive person and it radiates onto everyone i feel like. my first em memories was with you and emolu and i miss those days with less drama. overall the sweetest fu,cking person on this site, beautiful, caring ugh the list goes on and on. i can easily call you one of my best friends if we get closer again, ily :)

you have my heart
almost 6 years
im crynign???? thank you so much. i wish you the best always and forever, you did not deserve to go through half of the things you have gone through but you are so strong. and SO BEAUTIFUL!!!!!! i feel lowkey scared to dm u lmaoo but i do want to be your bff, theres a lot we can catch up on :-)

syd says

mitra says


hi you are my OLDEST em friend bhvdm. you are such a kind and sweet soul and so beautiful and i hope you are thriving in life bc you really deserve it. im glad you and i stayed as friends bc i know i lost a lot of mutual friends we had but i appreciate a lot you stuck around as my friend. you are such a positive person and it radiates onto everyone i feel like. my first em memories was with you and emolu and i miss those days with less drama. overall the sweetest fu,cking person on this site, beautiful, caring ugh the list goes on and on. i can easily call you one of my best friends if we get closer again, ily :)

almost 6 years

SinB says

syd says

SinB says

de moi

okay! but give me a scale on 1 to 10

almost 6 years

syd says

SinB says

de moi

okay! but give me a scale on 1 to 10
almost 6 years

SinB says

de moi

almost 6 years

Sasuke says


hi anne ily, i consider you a close friend and im glad i met you when i came back to em. you're really funny and sweet and i love that about you. also 10/10 voice and face hehe. i dont have much to say since i havent known you for long but i trust you a lot and i feel like i can talk to you easily
almost 6 years

Bebop says

go for it

hi i love your hair and you've always been very nice to me but idk you very well so ya
almost 6 years
de moi
almost 6 years
almost 6 years
go for it
almost 6 years

syd says

jela says

hi me

hate you

you're my best friend and i would have no clue what i would do without you. im glad i met you but sometimes i get scared you hate me or dont want to be friends with me and i get on edge easily with you because of that but that's more on me than on you. i think that you need to think for yourself bc sometimes you seem to throw yourself away from others and grasp onto people who give you attention, even if they aren't good people. im terrible at giving opinions to people like im rlly close with but you already know how i feel though. hopefully we can meet this summer but im terrified to meet new people
almost 6 years

jela says

hi me

hate you
almost 6 years
hi me
almost 6 years

Clockwise26 says

oh, ok :(
Opinion on me then.

hi i don't really know what to say about you to be honest. i think you are a good person and was a good friend but i dont feel like we connect anymore like we used to, probably more on my end. some people it's hard for me to maintain friendships with so it's not rlly personal. i've enjoyed our conversations and the few times we've watched movies, even though i dont think we've finished a single one. overall i think you're a really good person and i wish we could be close-ish again
almost 6 years
oh, ok :(
Opinion on me then.
almost 6 years

Clockwise26 says

Give your opinion on Seth Curry

almost 6 years
Give your opinion on Seth Curry
almost 6 years

GodStephCurry says

give your opinion on steph curry, the actual nba player

i dont watch basketball but i think he has nice eyes and his kids are cute and his wife is hot and i would have lesbian s.ex with her
almost 6 years

Justin says

show me how to love

hi justin i still remember our first vc with sam and markus and like i said to sam that was easily one of my best memories when i was more active on here. im not sure if you and i have had a legit falling out but im glad you told me you dont hate me bc i was scared you did. i think you are a good person and a good friend but sometimes i get the feeling you are a bit fake or want approval of everyone which is okay but it makes trusting you a bit hard. our friendship confuses me a bit at times but i can consider us friends, sorry i can't speak english today. overall i think you're a sweet person but you just confuse me a lot
almost 6 years

MonoJ says

i've never met you can I get an opinion

your color is nice
almost 6 years
give your opinion on steph curry, the actual nba player
almost 6 years
show me how to love