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Happy Birthday Elise

about 5 years

17(18) years ago a lime shaped baby was born and they named it elise. 17(18) years after her birth her shape looks like a squeezed lime and she couldn't be any more prettier. happy birthday

drawing made by me

edit: it has been notified to me she's actually 18, not 17

about 5 years
Happy birthday kiddo
about 5 years
elise is 12 stop lying
about 5 years
happy birthday my favorite gamethrow alt
about 5 years
happy birthday friend
about 5 years
Hope ur doing good
about 5 years
Hi adrenalinemime
about 5 years
about 5 years
happy birthday eli
about 5 years

azu20 says

[censored comment]

poser aly fan got censored hah
about 5 years
I don't get pegged binch
about 5 years
about 5 years
Why do I keep getting lied to about your age
about 5 years
[censored comment]
about 5 years