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lucid, nathan, sachy

deletedover 6 years

If there is only one open competition game, I have the right to join it peacefully to play (if I do not do it purely to like bother someone in particular). This has always been the exact rule on this!!!!!!

IF SOMEONE DOES NOT WANT TO PLAY WITH ME, THEY ARE FREE TO LEAVE THE GAME AND WAIT FOR MY GAME TO FILL BEFORE THEY RE-HOST. If I am avoiding someone, I will also show the same courtesy and wait for it to fill.

the only exception to this is if jess is still mad at me and asks me to leave her game, since i have my only harassment vio for harassing her 5.5 months ago. Otherwise, I will not avoid any other people and will play the only open game

If you want to ban me for following the rules, so be it. however i have the right to play in peace in a drama free environment. this being said, i am done with the drama of some of you/the forums. i am here to just play in peace and for fun in a drama-free game.

deletedover 6 years
so to update i got lobby camp vio1 for joining the only open table. charley never tried to leave, as i would not have followed her. i was just there to play the only open table in peace
deletedover 6 years
deletedover 6 years