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Trash Thread Part Deux

about 7 years

Because I'm too lazy to necro my old thread, I'm making a new personal thing. Stop by the dumpster, hang out for a bit.

How much trash am I?
A bit of litter on the ground
Enough to fill a little bin
Enough to fill a kitchen wastebasket
Enough to fill a landfill
Enough to fill a dumpster
Too Trashy 4 Me
over 5 years

i s t h e


verumbark says

opinion me

In the time I took to respond, verum has guised no fewer than 3500 people, what a legend this kid is (I'm allowed to say kid, I'm an ancient man of 24)
over 5 years
opinion me
over 5 years
congrats on the sex!
over 5 years
Luv u long time
over 5 years

PissProblems says

One day you will go to bed.

I do that every day. Probably.

In other news, there's nothing to report. That's all, folks.
over 5 years
One day you will go to bed.
over 5 years

Tidus says

fun fact: rct is an abbreviation for Root Canal Therapy in dentistry

I'm about as painful to deal with so seems legit
over 5 years
I'm about as painful to deal with as a root canal, so seems legit
almost 6 years
fun fact: rct is an abbreviation for Root Canal Therapy in dentistry
almost 6 years
Here to fulfill an obligation and leave for a while

meowmeulin says

hi sean opinion me pls

I may have said this before but I still think you're the kind of person who doesn't bullsh!t, if you don't like someone or something you're going to say it straight up. Say hi on discord while I'm in self-exile.

spartaaaa says


:dgoe: is love :dgoe: is life, Dgoe loves all
almost 6 years
almost 6 years
hi sean opinion me pls
almost 6 years

theplok says

opinion me ty

Plok is plok. There's that select group of users who you know just by the name. Then there's those that define a type of person just by the name. Plok is the latter.

Plok is the kind of person you imagine stopping over their place for lunch and shooting the sh!t, then that lunch turns into an all day visit, where you reminisce about the good times that you've shared, even though you only met them like, last week.

I think that is a good example, I had a long time to think about it.
about 6 years
opinion me ty
about 6 years

GlitchedDoppler says

wow, this is garbage

That's the spirit!
about 6 years
wow, this is garbage
about 6 years
New year same trash.
about 6 years

That takes effort.
about 6 years
Pictures of Spiderman.
about 6 years
about 6 years
Post pictures.
about 6 years
What do I even do with this thread any more
about 6 years
I think I can finally handle Christmas music playing on the radio again
about 6 years
Never change. Please.
about 6 years
After a long day of work, Kanye West goes to his Kanye Nest to take his
Kanye Rest. He wakes up feeling his Kanye Best. Then he’ll get Kanye
Dressed on his Kanye Vest to go on a Kanye Quest. He goes to church and
becomes Kanye Blessed, then to a hotel room to be a Kanye Guest. Then to
school to take his Kanye Test. He forgot to brush his teeth. Did he run
out of Kanye Crest? His neighbor stole it, what a Kanye Pest.