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LoL Big Brother: Cliques

about 7 years

I will be hosting a Big Brother: Cliques on Friday, January 26th PM at 8PM EST.

There will also be powers for each of the cliques and it is League Of Legends Themed!

The following are the cliques and their champions

Demacia: Lux, Garen, Poppy, Sona

Bilgewater: Miss Fortune, Gangplank, Graves, Fizz

Noxus: Katarina, Darius, Talon, Cassiopeia

Shadow Isles: Thresh, Kalista, Karthus, Elise

Freljord: Ashe, Lissandra, Sejuani, Volibear

Each Champion has a unique passive and active.

As you can probably see there are only 20 champions meaning that this will be a 20 player game.

Active: Can only been used once for the whole game (unless stated otherwise)

Passive: Can be triggered by something in the game like using an active or winning a challenge. Can be triggered multiple times


Note: All powers are taken away at merge

Reserve down below (post a power that you want too when you do)

about 7 years
sorry!! I'm going to have to reschedule I'm not completely mentally okay and my laptop is at repairs
about 7 years

Nicol says


deletedabout 7 years
about 7 years
deletedabout 7 years
In, shadow for karthus.
deletedabout 7 years
about 7 years
reserving Sejuani for Samburu
about 7 years

nattless says

this is a great idea nicole

thanks natalie <3
about 7 years

cute says

i'm a little (a lot) sad bc bandle city isn't there but i i'll tentatively reserve as poppy

cant add u for now because em being weird but i will when i can!!
about 7 years
this is a great idea nicole
about 7 years
Give me Lux!
about 7 years
no xayah i am TRIGGERED!!! Reserve (volibear)
about 7 years
Reserve (Ashe)
about 7 years
damn, no Ekko? :/
about 7 years
My birthday too bad!
deletedabout 7 years
can you remove me from the noxus team? thanks
about 7 years
i'm a little (a lot) sad bc bandle city isn't there but i i'll tentatively reserve as poppy
about 7 years
when u main none of the champs on this list
about 7 years
Reserve! (Thresh)
about 7 years
OH i made on the wrong account thats me btw bump!