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Reason for Luke's ban

deletedabout 7 years

Gold trophy winner of round 675, Luke, was just banned and out of the interest of transparency I'm writing this thread to show you why.

He was deleting games using mod powers that we think were given to him by lailai. Before this, the user K/Cam managed to use an exploit to steal a Survivor lobby trophy that he did not earn:

He was also previously disqualified from round 594 when it was found that his points didn't add up correctly with the games that he had played and that games were also disappearing in his favor:

First it was found that Luke had been kudos farming in a lobby he owned called Oblivion, but after further review a few things stuck out.

Notice that the game list isn’t multiple pages and consists of only two player games including both Cam and K. This means that if this list were accurate then they would be the only players with games in this lobby. Yet upon viewing the Top Scorers list there is an alt of his named coffeeandtealover. This means that he had deleted the games so that they wouldn't show in his lobby and had also deleted all other accounts that were on the top scorer’s leaderboard, thus making his K an Cam accounts not show despite having points. For reference, this is the top scorer list for Survivor lobby:

He had to have deleted at LEAST that many accounts to have K and Cam show.

The more heinous part, also relating to how he managed to steal a trophy from Survivor lobby, is that he was able to delete games. No one other than site moderators can delete games. This means he has exploited the site in some way to gain access to site moderator tools.

Moving on from there, I checked the lobbies that were owned and used by his alt coffeeandtealover

Those are all lobbies owned by him and filled with accounts linked to him. If you want to view more of his lobbies, he owns the rounds 573 through 584 (just that we know of) and you can verify this by clicking below and changing the round number link to anything between those two.

Now look at the lobbies that Luke and his alts play in.

Shortly after he was caught he also tried to delete all the evidence as well. This picture was taken shortly after the investigation was started:

and here is a link to that game now

For added supplement, here are two pastebins that were used during the investigation:

Special thanks to The for assistance, he's the real MVP here

almost 7 years

harodihg says


Luke nearly stole a trophy last round as LivMoore

The caught his games and found that Luke was farming comp games somehow and using a new exploit

my favorite 4th place
deletedalmost 7 years
almost 7 years
Different people
deletedalmost 7 years

MisterPresident says


i'm pretty sure this isn't the same guy unless i'm illiterate and missing his username
almost 7 years
deletedabout 7 years

Luke nearly stole a trophy last round as LivMoore

The caught his games and found that Luke was farming comp games somehow and using a new exploit

Notice the number of wins compared to his points here

I also found another weird Luke alt

He was doing his usual schtick of cheating/multiaccounting for virtually no reason in random red heart games

(in this game he is multiaccounting as Blake - a confirmed account of his from before, this is important for later)

On top of that, he was also cheating in red hearts again not even 2 months ago

Using an account that's probably nearly 8 years old

The funny part is, when I suspected this of being Luke (for a number of small reasons that would be too much to write) I did some digging and found that he had actually added someone on snapchat. So when I checked up on that snapchat the actual name on it was Blake
deletedabout 7 years

matt says

i reckon he found some way besides using cash to acquire all those names.

He had B, D, K, S and gave a few others away.

I reckon he hacked the site in some way and lucid didn't gain any revenue whatsoever from it.

about 7 years
tfw a banned user gave my X yikes will i get hacked now?
about 7 years
No, that was all lailai. Lailai was even helping Luke in all of this.
about 7 years
I have a feeling that Luke is the one who used lailai's thingie to hack charley and mod mtlve some time ago
about 7 years

Dari says

lucky says

just make luke the admin, looks like he's already running the site and just wants it to be official.. maybe then he'll be able to move on with his life.

i mean he would've hacked the admins by now if he really wanted to

what do you want luke
deletedabout 7 years

lucky says

just make luke the admin, looks like he's already running the site and just wants it to be official.. maybe then he'll be able to move on with his life.

i mean he would've hacked the admins by now if he really wanted to
about 7 years
just make luke the admin, looks like he's already running the site and just wants it to be official.. maybe then he'll be able to move on with his life.
about 7 years
i reckon he found some way besides using cash to acquire all those names.

He had B, D, K, S and gave a few others away.

I reckon he hacked the site in some way and lucid didn't gain any revenue whatsoever from it.
about 7 years
Imagine spending $1500 on epicmafia usernames
about 7 years

harodihg says

S, the person giving out single character account names was actually Luke too.

Notice not only the lobbies he was in, but the fact that his own lobby had -3 games in it

Here's just a screenshot of how deleting games edits the game count display for lobbies lol

about 7 years
and he's still bypassing rofl
about 7 years
about 7 years
luke was my bro.. wtf luke?
deletedabout 7 years
luke was my boyfriend wtf?
about 7 years
i thought everyone knew charley's password is a public thing
about 7 years
dang is that actually what happens? i haven't seen the movie yet
about 7 years
I got spoiled by a facebook meme page
deletedabout 7 years

The says

So Luke turned to the dark side? Damn, why'd you have to spoil Star Wars...

It was already spoiled. If not by Disney, then by lootboxes.
about 7 years

Recidivism says

The communist party of epicmafia demands the confiscation and redistribution of one letter usernames to the proletariat.
