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Big Brother: Paphos

over 6 years

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Help me choose the date for this BB! If you have already signed up, PM me dates that you can't make it. This calendar will represent all of the dates that everyone can't make it and will eventually have the set date on it. Travel to dreamy Paphos, Cyprus, the birthplace of Aphrodite, to prove your love and devotion to another EpicMafia player of your choosing. Players will work in groups of two to complete a series of challenges to prove their kinship. It is structurally similar to a normal Big Brother game, however you will put pairs up for elimination rather than single players. There will be no Battle of the Block, because I don’t want to be hosting for hours. There will be twists, however. After all, what fun would a game of Big Brother be without any twists?

I plan to make this game very much unlike previously hosted games on EpicMafia. It will include a TAR-styled scavenger hunt that will be difficult and engaging as well as unique games centered around the theme of love, unity, and friendship. I hope to unveil some games that will stick and be played in future games that have nothing to do with this one. I have put a lot of planning into this and I will continue to do so over the next few weeks before the game starts. I really want to introduce something brand new and set the stage for more interesting game modes in the future. ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ

  • You must sign up with a partner prior to the games start. IF you cannot find a partner, post in the thread stating that you need a partner and pray for the best.
  • To sign up for the game, just say "reserve" or whatever you'd like along with the username of the person you'd like to be partnered with. Once that person confirms in this thread that you two are partners, you are officially signed up for the game.
  • If the slots are filled, feel free to reserve as back-up pairs anyways since things pop up and you never know who might not be able to play.
  • The partner you sign up with will be your F2. Or they should be, but who knows who you’ll end up with at the end of the game.
  • Do not sign up if you don’t think you can play the whole game. The reason for this is that you will be playing with a partner and I do not want there to be any drama or disputes between two players because one has to leave and the other wants to keep playing. If you sign up and later realize that you will not be able to play, tell me ASAP so I can find a replacement pairing.
  • DURING CERTAIN CHALLENGES YOU ABSOLUTELY WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO WHISPER OR CONTACT YOUR PARTNER IN ANY WAY. This is to ensure that you do not cheat or give yourself an unfair advantage. You’ll understand why when we get to these particular challenges. And yes, someone will be monitoring your whispering in game. If I have any reason to believe you are cheating, I can and will disqualify you. My game, my rules.

  1. marry & yuujin
  2. MonteCarrlo & Picante
  3. R0ronoaZoro & Voice
  4. Ally & eat
  5. LHarney & bboy29
  6. Lelmoo & neon
  7. ISamEI & arisuu
  8. annajane & jack
  9. matt & Markus
  10. Spadez0 & hotjacket
  11. Zoya & Zacharae
  12. k9trip & FFSieraDamnThomas
  13. xSoniaNeverMindx & cjn104
  14. xPooky & freshman
  15. TBA

I will need an assistant or co-host of sorts to help me keep things organized. The assistant will be in charge of:

  • Randomizing things I need randomized via
  • Updating the doc.
  • Collecting and posting confessionals + keeping track of who submitted what confessional.
  • Watching whispers via the graveyard during certain days as a cheat guard.
  • Issuing the final clue to the scavenger hunt IF necessary.
  • Anything else I might need. The brunt of your work will be clerical and you won't have to do anything like host challenges or take votes.

If I like you enough I could pay you $5 who knows.

And that's all! Hope you guys are interested and I'll see you in December.

over 6 years

annajane says

i will not be available for an AM game

hmmm ok. cuz literally every saturday/sunday/friday PMs are taken for the rest of january. i could push this game into february and take saturday, feb 3rd PM?
over 6 years
i will not be available for an AM game
over 6 years
ok u guys literally every friday/saturday/sunday PM is taken so how would any of u feel about an AM game ?

vote here to pick a time/date and i'll pick the one with the most votes
over 6 years
OK, here's an online calendar that ALL of you can see. idk how to make it so y'all can edit it without manually adding all of you by email which is silly so like i said, pm me dates and i will mark them in red to illustrate that they are a no-go.
over 6 years
We Support U Cute
over 6 years

Voice says

um evolpz and happyowns are hosting at 7:30 do u wnat to study for finals instead

if they rly wanna host then they can go ahead, i’ll reschedule this for sometime in the first half of january just everyone pm me dates you ABSOLUTELY CAN’T make it and i’ll make an online calendar for everyone to look at so we can decide on a date
over 6 years

annajane says

im an adult

this thread is my home and all of you are my children
over 6 years
im an adult
over 6 years
um evolpz and happyowns are hosting at 7:30 do u wnat to study for finals instead
over 6 years
not to mention i’m doing this despite the fact that i could be studying when i have finals literally around the corner
over 6 years
i understand you guys are upset but i’m a person too... a person hosting an extremely new bb with a doc and everything with a mini-TAR within this bb so please
over 6 years
i’ll host a regular bb for the children and i’ll think of another date besides the 29th, however this game might end up being next year. sorry for the reschedule but i don’t even have a co-host anymore + everyone keeps dropping/re-signing up when i’ve already made a doc and the like and quite frankly it’s stressful. hopefully i’ll be able to find a date where everyone can play and if it’s in the future then y’all are less likely to have plans and if you have work you can just ask to get it rescheduled.
over 6 years
(whispers) host it anyway...
over 6 years
pls host it i quit my JOB for this
over 6 years
a lot of people still wanna play @cute but if u think rescheduling is the best move that's okay!!
deletedover 6 years
ya like lowkey ur always gonna get unreserves bc stuff always comes up the day of / not everyone can plan their life weeks in advance, i can guarantee the same thing will happen on the 29th
over 6 years

cute says

ok i’m gonna go ahead and reschedule this for a later date that is TBD. mayb december 29th at the same time. there are so many unreserves it’s a little hectic, especially since it’s literally the day of LOL. every1 get their sh*t and their partners together and tell me what’s good before the 29th, ok?

could you still do the game tonight maybe if a pre-lobby takes interest? I WAS EXCITED QQ
over 6 years
Thank you kind Jack!
over 6 years
i am completely out of commission that week ): i move across the country on the 28th
over 6 years

cjn104 says

There's a good chance that I might actually be taking my GRE that date and I may be too pooped to play, but I can keep you posted.

Also, you're such a cool kid

regardless of when good luck chris!!
over 6 years
There's a good chance that I might actually be taking my GRE that date and I may be too pooped to play, but I can keep you posted.

Also, you're such a cool kid
over 6 years

all of us @cute
over 6 years
rip my sat night plans
deletedover 6 years
anth & i unreserve we can't do the 29th sry
deletedover 6 years
If its the 29th i'm not gonna be able to play