These small chickens make poor egg layers but display stunning trailing tail feathers. Unlike other long tailed chickens, Phoenix's tails will shed every year but still maintain an impressive legnth. They do not often get along with others.
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small and inquisitive, these ornamental birds can often have a wild nature and enjoy foraging.
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despite their large size, Minorca are apt at flying. They are very friendly and regularly lay large eggs. Their large white earlobes and red combs give them the the appearance of a clown, specifically the clown mods on epicmafia
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Cornish Cross
Also known as a broiler chicken, these poor birds were created for the dinner table and make the majority of birds used in commercial farms.
These egg production birds are fantastic layers and make popular pets for anyone wanting a steady egg income
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Wyandottes are renowned for their wide range of beautiful patterns and good shape making them popular as pets and for show. They are also reasonably productive layers
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Japanese bantam
These small squat waddling chickens are popular due to their large tail plumes, and their unique U shaped bodies. They lay very small infrequent eggs but are surprisingly good fliers.
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Frizzle chickens have a gene causing their feathers to curl outwards, giving them their unusual appearance. However if they are heterozygous for the frizzle gene, it causes their feathers to become brittle and fall out. Frizzle + Frizzle = Frazzle.
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Modern Game Chicken
you asked for derp
Although modern game chickens have the appearance of traditional fighting birds, they are actually show birds bread for these qualities. They are actually curious and friendly birds.
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Gingernut Ranger
these chickens are cross breeds between rhode island reds and light sussex. They are incredibly tame birds who are very productive egg layers.
Dorkings are a very special -- and very endangered -- breed. They're one of the oldest known breeds of chicken domesticated for human use (reportedly having been developed during the Roman empire), as evidenced by their 5 toes instead of the usual 4.
Silkies have unusual fluffy feathers, blue ears and an extra toe. They are extremely friendly and docile, and are renowned for their mothering abilities
while being poor foragerssultans make excellent pets due to their friendly docile nature. They are very un-aggressive. Even with their thick plumage and beards, sultans do not do well in cold weather.