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Sandbox Guidelines and Rules

over 7 years

Hi, it's finally time to get some concrete rules and guidelines out for Sandbox Lobby. These are subject to update based on the growth of the lobby.

  • Game related violations will not be monitored in this lobby. The exception for this rule is if a user intentionally ruins games over an extended period of time through trolling, repeatedly suiciding, and so forth; while they may not receive site violations for this, intentionally ruining games over a period of time may end in punishment through lobby banning, depending on the severity.

  • Community guidelines are monitored in this lobby; the various community violations can be found at this link: . If any of these rules are broken on the forums, comment walls, lobby games, or lobby chat, punitive action may be taken. This may come in the form of a site violation, lobby punishment, or both, depending on the context of the situation. If a site violation is overturned, a lobby punishment may still remain until its completion.

  • Punishments work on a 1/3/12/24 hour system, with action taken based on the rule broken; for each punishment given, it increases to the next tier. On the fifth tier, a temporary lobby ban may be placed onto your account.

  • Lobby moderators may, at their discretion, intervene in situations that require attention. This may manifest in the form of locked threads, deletion of posts, and so forth. All actions should be logged on the moderator actions thread; if your thread was locked, check there before asking a lobby mod why it was locked.

Other than that, this thread may have some things added onto it as the situation and need for editing arises. Please treat others in the lobby with respect and have a fun time playing the games offered in Sandbox Lobby.