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Site Mod Sandbox Embassy

about 8 years

Hey everyone, I think this thread will help a lot of Sandbox users out. Essentially, this is a hub for site mods who use Sandbox to help out members of the community, because I know not many Sandbox users are familiar with site mods. Previously, a Sandbox user might have to write a long PM to a site mod they don't really know to have something done, but now they can simply post in this communal thread.

In addition to this, there have been a couple of instances where lobby mods haven't been around at certain times and pressing lobby issues need to be handled (banned users spamming and all that sort of stuff). If there are no lobby mods around to handle urgent business, post here and I will take care of it to the best of my abilities without stepping on the toes of the Sandbox mod team. If you ask me to do something I think would be best left to the lobby mod team, I will pass it along to them rather than acting upon it.

Need your account to be whitelisted? A bugged violation to be manually deleted? A banned user to be stopped from ruining games when no lobby mods are around? This is the place for all those things and more.

almost 8 years
Banned Tamabot temporarily for spamming games after previously being warned about it after receiving complaints. I told Merlot and she'll sort the rest out shortly.
about 8 years
thanks mod team appreciate your hard work
about 8 years
mods are posting in my lobby please get rid of them
about 8 years
add me i want to play
about 8 years
about 8 years
it's fine i don't think any of the lobby mods did it
about 8 years
Chaika and I were the only two on at the time to my knowledge. We are investigating.
about 8 years
yep, just tested it in my lobby. lobby mod deletions don't show in actions. so it's either siramelio, dooze chaika or you. (if it was merlot, hers would show because she's a site mod).
about 8 years
sweetnkind is correct. it's a sandbox lobby mod if it doesn't show in site mod actions.
deletedabout 8 years

Christopherzilla says

3 of my comments have been deleted from the daily chat thread by someone other than myself. Find the offending mod and deal with them.

site mods comment deletion would show in actions, it has to be a sandbox lobby mod
about 8 years
about 8 years
stupid thread
about 8 years
3 of my comments have been deleted from the daily chat thread by someone other than myself. Find the offending mod and deal with them.
about 8 years
about 8 years
Thank you
about 8 years

HanaGusikowski47 says

Update requested

what do you mean?
about 8 years
Update requested
about 8 years
this is basically how it has always been, no huge changes, i guess this is mostly officializing it
about 8 years
im impressed, not gonna lie
about 8 years

Bebop says

sl0nderman says

I have an issue that requires site mod attention

i can't wait to hear the punchline to this one

Not this one, give me a different one
about 8 years

sl0nderman says

I have an issue that requires site mod attention

i can't wait to hear the punchline to this one
about 8 years
I have an issue that requires site mod attention
about 8 years
ftr i give these site mods permission to handle situations that NEED handling at a given moment (such as banned users spamming nsfw content and the like). they will NOT be handling things such as reports, minor infractions that require chat bans, forum bans etc; they are here to help only with situations that require the need of a site mod OR to handle dire situations and the sandbox team is not currently around to help.