lobby banned until 2016-12-25, probation until 2017-03-25
I dont play in main lobby 3 moth. =/ Where my unban? . Why u banned my brother acc and for it banned ME? WTF?
ok let me answer you for real
i think that it shows them that you and your brother play from the same house. they see you share an IP address. so, if he got in trouble on his account, it shows up to the moderators that you are the same person. they can't help that it looks that way. it sounds like your brother just made a mistake on his account, but there is no way for them to know that for sure. if you can talk to them on skype and prove you are two different people they can fix it.
I all time played on this acc, becouse we played in Sandbox, but i want played ranked game :( unban me pls. > lobby banned until 2016-12-25 now 27 and i want PLAY! wtf?