over 7 years

So Yeah. I don't know how many of you remember me, or know who I am since my name shift. I'm 69, aka syd29, aka maruchan, aka mrcheesete0, aka BHL Gavin.


If any of you remember, about a year to a year and a half ago we had a bunch of interest in minecraft. We tried running our own server, joining a pirate-themed public server, joining a faction server, and more. All of these failed (or I went on deployment and they faded to oblivion while I was gone)

We also had a Skype Group (which a few of you are still in.


I am interested in doing minecraft with you again. This time I want more organized. I will keep this thread open as the main thread, where I will plan to keep all info centrally located.

Lets make a poll!

https://epicmafia.com/topic/80561 - What do you guys wanna do? (join public server, dedicated EM server etc)

Please go vote and let me know your interest. Also, we have the Skype Group still, PM me (or post) your skype names and we can add you to that .

(PS: I am home from deployment, with a guarantee of not getting underway for the next 6 months and got a second job for MORE MONEYZ, so I have a lot of fluid income and an ability to dedicate myself to something like this)

TL;DR: Minecraft again, link to poll, you in?

over 7 years
We can link it to an IRC chat so people can see who is logged intothe IRC chat and you stay logged in the entire time you are available
then when your frands are on IRC you all get on MC together.
over 7 years
The fact that I made this thread proves you are wrong DouradaGrelhada. As do the 106 MILLION copies sold. makign it the second most sold video game of all time.
over 7 years

69 says

Seems like the consensus is you guys want a private server just for EMers yeah?

we had it for a while. the problem that arose was that people would come on, see that no one was there, and leave, only for someone else to do the same thing a few minutes later
over 7 years
NO one likes Minecraft
deletedover 7 years
i would like to join o:
but i dont have minecraft yet but i am thinking about buying it next month :)
over 7 years
Seems like the consensus is you guys want a private server just for EMers yeah?
over 7 years
i still craft mines from time to time
over 7 years
ask epicsides, he plays a lot of this stuff and used to have a server for epicmafia i think
deletedover 7 years
Let's build a wall
deletedover 7 years
i don't have mc but this seems cool
over 7 years
So I know you're all thinking "this has failed so many times before, not letting it pull on my heartstrings again", I just want to point out that the last time it sunk (on the factions server with epicsides piloting the boat), I wasn't leading it. I kept us relatively in tact through multiple of the catastrophes. I also stayed active on the server and made a number of friendships and joined a faction later and continued to be quite successful.

The last time that I ran a server/groupidea myself for you guys, it only failed/ended because I deployed for 7 months and couldn't maintain it myself anymore. I won't even get UNDERWAY for another 6 months, and won't deploy for another 2 years, if ever again. I have experience with running a server, and for small communities like this one, and even for mafia-oriented websites. on mafiascum I have been either the lead or assisted in keeping the mafiascum server afloat for 3 of the past 5 years. I convinced an entire playerbase of players who were super anti-mods to play modded miencraft to the point that they rarely play vanilla anymore.

I have the experience, the time, the money, and the will to do this. I just need the frands to join me in it, so come on in guys n gals!