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Mentor/Mentee Info & Sign Up Thread

over 8 years

The Basic Premise:

This program is designed to help mafia players of all experience levels (not just for new players) improve their knowledge and skill-set through the one-to-one guidance of mentors. Mentors are chosen as players who have a deeper understanding of the game and are willing to share that with others. As a mentee, you will work with a mentor or mentors at your desired pace and times.

How this will work:

To be assigned a mentor, please comment below. If you are below the required point threshold to post on the forums, please message:


There are two programs:

Basic: introduces players to mafia through Classic Mafia, a standard and simple mafia setup. Here, you will be introduced to the basic mechanics and in-game terminology. Any further questions you may have pertaining to the website, game, or tactics will also be answered.

Advanced: based on mentor oversight in ranked and unranked games. The site administrator implemented a function that allows a mentor to see his or her mentee's role without directly participating in the game. They will be able to share their thoughts and give guidance to their mentees. Mentees may also opt to play competitive games with their mentors and debrief when it's over.

Mentors cannot under any circumstance treat you any differently than any other player in a ranked game.

Mentee Application

  • Username:

  • Type of Mentorship (Basic or Advanced):

  • Availability:

  • Timezone:

  • Additional Notes:

Note to previous applicants with an inactive mentor or have not received one yet: It would be appreciated if you could RE-APPLY in this thread if you are still interested as your applications were lost when the thread was deleted. Thanks!

Mentor Application

  • Username:

  • Timezone:

  • What days and times are you available to mentor, on a regular basis?

  • What level mentees would you like to teach?

  • Why do you want to be a mentor?

  • What qualifies you to be a mentor?

  • What would you like to get out of the mentoring program and what would you like to give to it?

over 7 years
Username: JimJam5
Type of Mentorship (Basic or Advanced): Basic
Availability: 4pm-12
Timezone: PST
over 7 years
Username: Bagwell

Type of Mentorship (Basic or Advanced): both

Availability: all day

Timezone: +3

Additional Notes: give me good mentor I want to be a pro! :)
deletedover 7 years
Username: Krock
Type of Mentorship (Basic or Advanced): Advanced
Availability: Friday, Saturday evenings
Timezone: PST
deletedover 7 years
over 7 years
Username: BobBackspin
Type of Mentorship (Basic or Advanced): I'd like to think I know the basics, but I'd also like to sharpen my skills before entering ranked games. Fine with either, honestly
Availability: Mostly available on weekends, weekday evenings
Timezone: EST
Additional Notes: Used to play in HS (made this account 4 years ago), not gonna go all competitive or anything, I just like the game and want to learn!
over 7 years
Still a bit miffed there hasn't been the inclusion of the I Can Haz Mentorship program, it's progressive and fresh for the new year.
over 7 years
Username: LightKairi
Tpye of Mentorship (Basic or Advanced): Advanced please
Avalilability: anytime after 3pm except friday evening from 6-11;30pm
Timezone: eastern
additional notes: I need help please. I'm rusty and I need help. I'm only good with claiming gs. I do know the basics but I need help with defending and stuff like that.
over 7 years
Username: giraffegirl
Type of Mentorship (Basic or Advanced): advanced
Availability: anytime
Timezone: Eastern Time
Additional Notes: i need help please
deletedover 7 years
Type of Mentorship (Basic or Advanced): advanced
Availability: weekdays 4pm-5pm
Additional Notes:none
over 7 years
Username: plooto
Type of Mentorship (Basic or Advanced): basic please!
Availability: I'm free essentially all day every day until about August (: then (since I have school lel), I'm usually free after 5 or 6 on weekdays and completely free on weekends
Timezone: GMT+8 (UTC 0800)
Additional Notes:
I used to play obsessively about a year ago, but I wasn't really any good at it. now, a year later, I haven't played in ages. I'm rusty and still not any better at this stupidly fun game. I know the basics n stuff but need help with tactics. pls send help!! sorry for the ramble hehe thank you~
deletedover 7 years
Username: Bedomp

Type of Mentorship (Basic or Advanced): Advanced

Availability: Sporadic Times, usually Afternoon to Evening, 3 - 11 pm

Timezone: GMT / BST

Additional Notes: I often appear scummy despite trying to lead, I have no idea what I'm doing wrong. Pointers would be lovely!
over 7 years
Username: bnvinay92
Type of Mentorship (Basic or Advanced): Basic
Availability: 8pm-10pm Weekdays
Timezone: IST
Additional Notes: I think it's optimal to stay as a null read both when I'm town and mafia, but this ends up getting me lynched regardless if i'm town or mafia.
over 7 years
Is this still going? If Yes, I want to apply as mentee.

Username: ScarletWolf
Mentorship: Advanced.
Availability: 9 am - 10 pm almost every day.
Timezone: GMT +1
Additional notes: Idk how to towntell and idk how to scumhunt, I'm useless :'(
almost 8 years
Username: VelCrow4
Timezone: South East Asia
What days and times are you available to mentor, on a regular basis? 9AM-12PM my time Monday - Friday. (as long as nothing crops up)
What level mentees would you like to teach? Basic(I prefer to mentor them to avoid new people playing Rank games when they dont know how)
Why do you want to be a mentor? Its annoying when new people who dont know how to play rank games join rank games
What qualifies you to be a mentor? over 1k ranked games played?
What would you like to get out of the mentoring program and what would you like to give to it? more new players that are fun to play with as opposed to those that dont know the rules. im willing to give my free time and effort. im nice to new people in unranked games but nasty if they join ranked games without knowing how to play.
almost 8 years
is this thing still a thing?
deletedalmost 8 years
Username: Gaijinabroad
Type of membership: Basic
Available: anytime after 4pm est
Timezone: Japan
kind of good at scum hunting but horrible town
almost 8 years
User: Iamcoolguy
Type of membership: Basic
Availability: Most anytime after 4:30 PM EST to around 7:30 PM EST
Timezone: Pennsylvania
Additional notes: I can play as mafia okay, but scumhunting is really hard :(
deletedalmost 8 years
MrTerryTibbs needs a mentor
almost 8 years
Username: HandsomeMan
Type of Mentorship (Basic or Advanced): a bit more advanced I suppose
Availability: tuesdays
Timezone: EST-500
Additional Notes: I know how to play the game but I don't always make the best decisions, and sometimes people report me and say it's gamethrowing. I'm familiar with maybe half the strategies but other times I'm just lost.
almost 8 years
Accepting 2 more menties apply below
almost 8 years
move on it like a b1tch lono
deletedalmost 8 years

Becomeclear says

Lono says

who would you like to mentor you

Pretty sure vilden expressed his intent to get mentored by me someplace in this thread, make it happen please lord Lono

currently trying to get the ability to move this a long a bit
almost 8 years
Username: Smitty Werbenjagerman
Type: Advanced
Availability: Monday through Friday before 3, After 3 on Saturday's and Sundays
Timezone: Central
almost 8 years
Pretty sure there were like 3 other guys but they'll have to re-apply
almost 8 years

Lono says

who would you like to mentor you

Pretty sure vilden expressed his intent to get mentored by me someplace in this thread, make it happen please lord Lono