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Sandbox Assassin 2.0

almost 8 years

Welcome to Sandbox Assassin 2.0

better than before... I think.

How to play:

Every person is assigned to another player who they will have to assassinate. No one knows anyone else's target. The point of the game is to be the last person standing. Once you kill your target, you receive their target and it's an ongoing chain until the last person standing.


The prize is 20 tokens (and anything else if someone is willing to donate * cough * bebop).

How to sign up:

MESSAGE dooze telling them you want to join before August 3rd. She will either approve you or deny you. You are allowed to play if you were in last game, however, those removed due to inactivity / rulebreaking will be up for debate.

General Game Rules:

  • if you are currently signed up as your alt account, please message me and change to your main account. It's not fair and inactive people / alts WILL be removed.
  • Please do not only use your alts / sui and avoid games with other players. It takes the fun out of the game.
  • If you are rude to current / past players, you will be subject to removal.
  • Don't pretend to be someone's assassin / harass them about it.

If you break a rule, you get a warning. If you break a rule on more than one occasion, you may be removed from the game.

Rules of Assassination:

To assassinate your target, you need to be in a sandbox game with them and kill them in one of the following ways:

  1. At night (EX: mafia, hitman, vigilante, killer, ww)
  2. With a gun (Including fab guns)
  3. Mafia killing powers (EX: terrorist, voodoo, poison, arson)
  4. Jailer / Gator meeting
  5. Ghoul kills
  6. Granny visit kill
  7. Passing them a bomb / killing them with bomb when anarch
  8. Hunter shots
  9. Trapper / Ceptor kills
  10. Governor overthrows
  11. Bodyguard kills

You CANNOT assassinate by:

  1. Lynching them
  2. Being lover/cupid on them & dying
  3. Culting them, then dying
  4. Starving them (if you're baker)
  5. Having them mismason on you
  6. Being bomb and them shooting you
  7. Other player randomly sui's

When you kill your target, you have to post the game link in this topic for verification. The person you killed is now out of the game. You have to message them telling them they were your target, and then they will message you your next target. If they don't reply / tell you your next target, message me and I will tell you!

I will strategically try and help you kill your target if you're both on!


Week 1 you will be assigned your first target on August 4th. You MUST kill at least this person in order to go into the next week. If you are killed / unable to make a kill, you will be removed.

Week 2 you will be assigned a new target on August 11th. For getting to the second week, you are given a free cookie. This cookie, while inedible, will give you a "get out of jail free" card for the remaining weeks. If you do not kill your person in any upcoming weeks, you will eat the cookie instead to fulfill your hunger.

Week 3+ you will be assigned a new target on August 18th. If you have already used up your free cookie and don't kill your target within this week, you will be removed from the game. This cycle continues every week until the game is finished. If it goes past week 3, I may have someone else take over, because I start at my college on the 29th.

Player List & Kill Chart

Message me if you are interested in hosting the next assassin / this one once I have to go for college. You will not be able to join this game if I pick you.

almost 8 years
I'd love to have you take over coolkid, you've been really fun to play with the past two rounds and I will happily walk you through how to run it
almost 8 years
Oh God not the twists...

Also, congrats Void!
almost 8 years
Hmmm idk how to but i might take over if ypu ok with that ^^ i have an idea for a twist ^^
almost 8 years
Unfortunately, I won't be hosting another due to University and because too many rounds = me going broke from giving 20 tokens to everyone.

If anyone is interested in taking over, message me!
almost 8 years
congrats to Voidzz winning!
deletedalmost 8 years

izzy says

i've even had role prob on. laaaame

LMAOOOOOOO I was worried about that too.
deletedalmost 8 years
i've even had role prob on. laaaame
deletedalmost 8 years
Game GG's to all, my heart was pounding. It was luck that I was maf.
deletedalmost 8 years
voidzz did it. congrats. gg. <3
deletedalmost 8 years
sorry, been busy all day
deletedalmost 8 years
>Izzy suddenly is gone af
deletedalmost 8 years
So izzy when you wanna play
almost 8 years
If people can vouch for you then I'm cool with that, it was just that from what I saw you didn't play much. Me being in a different timezone was probably the reason.
deletedalmost 8 years
2 first week, 2 second, and one or two now. One of mine also got kicked for inactivity. I played with dooze also, she can vouch for me. So can Gyuri, Kaworu, Nynite, and a lot of more people. Gg though, Izzy will probably win.
almost 8 years
You killed those people in the first weeks. Near the end you had not been playing a lot at all. I saw you in 1 game while looking for my target. When I played in main you were in the games with me, so there is that too.

In all honesty, the only player near the end that can actually truthfully say they played a lot was coolkid, as she played and hosted a huge amount of games.

Anyways, I had fun, and now all I have to do is watch and wait for S.A 3. *grabs popcorn*
deletedalmost 8 years

Corydonut says

Neither of the remaining players were active at all, and Voidzz sniped one game I was in lol. Never lucky rubber ducky.

Ive killed 5 or 6 people and have played a lot and I play at night. You're one to talk about being inactive, when you were on you were always in main trolling, and you had to be warned. I play daily. A lot.
almost 8 years
dooze make new one pls
almost 8 years
Im rooting for izzy :^)
deletedalmost 8 years
yeah i think voidzz and i are the only ones left
almost 8 years
is this still going or what
deletedalmost 8 years
shush, i've been around all the damn time
almost 8 years
Neither of the remaining players were active at all, and Voidzz sniped one game I was in lol. Never lucky rubber ducky.
almost 8 years
my target this week as well never played in games. Never lucky rubber ducky.
almost 8 years
Corydonut and Coolkidrox123 are out!
almost 8 years
Played atleast 7 games with you lol. Cant believe how lucky you got.