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Secret Alt Competition #3

about 8 years

I'm going to be hosting another Secret Alt Competition (SAC). It's just like comp but with a twist: you're a secret alt and if people figure out who you are, you lose!

Use your detective skills to figure out who your opponents are, while maintaining an entirely different persona for your own gold heart games.

Make sure you read the rules FULLY before you do anything, including posting.

Only players who are well known enough to be guessable will be accepted

The Game

  • Create a secret alt account, tell no one
  • Play gold heart games (you will be let into comp) for points
  • If another player guesses your identity, you lose
  • If you guess another player's identity, you gain points
  • First to 3000 points wins!

The Prize

  • 1000 Epicmafia Tokens
  • SAC Trophy on your profile
  • 1 (one) special request from me.. if I can do it reasonably I will

The Rules

deletedalmost 8 years
deletedalmost 8 years
me? or the other pam?
it's not me lol
deletedalmost 8 years
jive is pam tbh
deletedalmost 8 years
ZeroFurryBoner is just too resilient. I don't think anything can stop him, he's got absolutely no shame
almost 8 years
Forget it, i will host the next one. I wanted to participate but Arbell said i am a loser and didnt let me join. Who is the loser now? He never started it!
almost 8 years
I woulda won this hands down
deletedalmost 8 years
damn, that was a nice competition
deletedalmost 8 years

poser says

my pettiness will never end, that one fake friend is always dead to me

almost 8 years
Alright ladies and gents, SAC will be starting at the beginning of this coming round.

If you're already signed up I'd ask that you PM me if I haven't already spoken to you to confirm that you're still interested.

I'm still open to newcomers, just need an account name.
deletedalmost 8 years

poser says

you guys, poser only got out because the admin had to tell the mods and because of one fake friend, i still maintained anonymity pretty well

so this time, y'all nerds are getting boned

lol noob i guessed u after 1 game
almost 8 years
This is a joke right? Aren't all alts Pranay?
almost 8 years
my pettiness will never end, that one fake friend is always dead to me
almost 8 years
you guys, poser only got out because the admin had to tell the mods and because of one fake friend, i still maintained anonymity pretty well

so this time, y'all nerds are getting boned
almost 8 years
Now I realise how stupid I am. I ask everybody to join this competition and they all say it is stupid and rigged and refuse to join. Today I realise they lied, because then they would be obvious like me and will be caught easily.
almost 8 years
I'm the best secret alt
deletedalmost 8 years

Blister says

im gonna say jive is soda

probably...he stole my avi
deletedalmost 8 years
im gonna say jive is soda
deletedalmost 8 years
this might start but it'llget abandoneda few days in
almost 8 years
OKOK I'll start pming people tomorrow to make sure they're still in.
almost 8 years
I like how he said "fine" to me in private and then didn't update this thread, ROBERT !!!!!!!!!
almost 8 years
Don't worry Arcbell, I'll take the tokens off your hands.
deletedalmost 8 years
almost 8 years
robert, do your chores
almost 8 years
i literally sent this link to him three days ago, procrastinating ginger
almost 8 years
Arcbell leaves another project unfinished...