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[MC]EpicMiners Summer Meeting!!

almost 9 years



Meeting in few hours!!

How to join?

Server address:

--> Add this server into your Minecraft game then pass the tutorial intro which will allow you to play (tutorial makes less bad players join the server so it's better for everybody) When passed the tutorial save your account with a password (explained on server) then join the Build 1 where the faction is located (you can also use /portal command)..

Then i will invite you to the faction and you'll be ready to play the real game with others :)

Simple as that!! No need to worry anymore about griefing, time to play the real game guys :)

Leave a comment with your MC nickname or PM EpicSides ingame :)

The faction celebrates its one month living \O/

The faction keeps growing up and getting built with epicness, such great improvements happened thanks to you guys!!

We're making a quick pause til' the end of school, cya in summer for an EPIC meeting ingame :)

I'm also making a presentation video of the faction that will be uploaded with the next topic presenting the faction in details!!

Cheers!! New Pics - June 2016:

Can't wait!!
1 signed
about 8 years
over 8 years
Thank you everybody for your participation!!

Summer recap and stuff coming in the next topic (september/october), stay tuned guys!!
over 8 years
Meeting in 8 hours!!

How to join?

Server address:

--> Add this server into your Minecraft game then pass the tutorial intro which will allow you to play (tutorial makes less bad players join the server so it's better for everybody)

When passed the tutorial save your account with a password (explained on server) then join the Build 1 where the faction is located (you can also use /portal command).

Then i will invite you to the faction and you'll be ready to play the real game with others :)

Simple as that!! No need to worry anymore about griefing, time to play the real game guys :)

Leave a comment with your MC nickname or PM EpicSides ingame :)
almost 9 years

Wubat says

Can I request that the nether portal be renamed to "Wubat's Nethers"?

Are you already on faction? Is it yours?
almost 9 years
Can I request that the nether portal be renamed to "Wubat's Nethers"?
almost 9 years