I'm going to jump right back into the HC argument here, amongst the pot heads.
600 HC violations in 3 months is ridiculous. Half the mods are just using the auto-vio for "slurs" thing as a way to get report and vio count up.
There are some mods who vio almost 50% of the reports they look at, that is extremely high.
HC vios for 1 out of context use of the R word somewhere in a game should not be a vio. "oh im a r-t#rd, i lynched blue". Is not hateful comments.
Heres a little anecdote: *Player 1 mishammers and town loses* Player 1: "ive gotta stop being a r-tard and mishamemring :fp:) Player 2: You are a moron, never play this game again idiot. I've never met a bigger imbecile.
In this case Player 1 gets an automatic violation, whereas Player 2 has a good chance of getting away with what he said.
The R word falls into the same category as idiot, moron, imbecile, cretin, spastic, lame and dumb.
A single use of one of these words is often used for emphasis and not offence.
The high HC numbers over the past months also reflect that these stupid no tolerance rules are not acting as a deterrent. There is literally no purpose for enforcing HC that strictly.
I know BOTH current admins believe in a less strict HC rule, theres just a few stuck up mods who are sensitive, left-wing, pompous egotists.
get rid of these insane rules and use some common sense.