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Sandbox Rules 2: Electric Boogaloo

about 9 years

Rules won't change much, just slight amendments to suit the needs of our beautiful lobby.

Inappropriate Content - Any suggestive or vulgar comments, photos, or posts fall under this category. Censor evading on the forums or on lobby wall also falls into this category. While lobby chat is more lenient in regard to this rule, the forums and lobby wall are treated the same as other lobbies, and any posts violating this rule will be dealt with as needed.

Hateful Comments - ZERO TOLERANCE. Consists of slurs/hateful statements against one or more persons/groups which target their race, gender, sexuality, religion, so on and so forth. They are not to be used in any situation.

Harassment - Repeated and/or severe personal attacks toward or slandering another user who is offended by the things being stated or implied. Note that a third party may submit the evidence if the harassed is unable, as long as the harassed has previously stated that they were offended/the third party provides evidence that the harassed was offended.

Outing of Personal Information - Outing personal or privileged information without permission, or threatening to do so/have someone else do so. Multiple pieces of information revealed may lead to multiple violations.

X-rated Material - Posting links or images that are considered to be x-rated anywhere in Sandbox, including comments, forum, and chat. X-rated material in one's profile, avatar, or status counts toward this as well.

Lobby Trolling - Antagonizing others to get negative reactions, or repeatedly entering games of users who have blocked you in order to antagonize them.

Inappropriate Avatar - An avatar with pornographic content or that is highly offensive. Will be reported and removed as soon as possible.

Hall Monitor Abuse - Misuse of moderator privileges for personal gain. Including but not limited to being selectively harsh on disliked users, or selectively lenient on favored users. Moderator rudeness toward the user base will also not be tolerated. Mods who are seen breaking this rule will be given only one warning before being removed permanently.

Lobby chat, while not moderated heavily for IC, is moderated for HC, harassment, OPI, and x-rated material. Any instances of these violations in chat will be dealt with accordingly.

Remember that screenshots are only reportable within a week of the event! Also remember to try reporting for these violations before coming to a lobby mod about them - while we will do our best to help, it's good to give the site mods a chance too!

deletedover 8 years
Threatening or joking to OPI(outing personal information) or about doxing other users will not be tolerated in sandbox. Doing so will result in temporary chat bans, which will escalate to extended chat bans depending on the nature of the threat/joke.

Meanwhile, actually OPI'ing or doxing will lead to a ban from sandbox, again relating to the severity of the information leaked will determine the length of the ban.
over 8 years
We're also going to be keeping an eye on people making light of self-harm/suicide/sexual assault, as these things are a very serious matter, and by making light of them you're creating an uncomfortable atmosphere in the community. So just be wary, and we'll always warn you if you overstep the bounds.