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Is golboco a good lobby owner?

over 8 years

Answer the poll then

over 8 years
my honest opinion on the matter is who cares who the lobby owner is... for sake, just enjoy the site.
over 8 years
Option 5- None of the above.
over 8 years
deletedover 8 years
Where is MuerteBox?
over 8 years
Won't put a furry background, new poop same toilet...
over 8 years

Setsuen says

> Thinks locked games = more people in sandbox.
>None of us knows any of the people in locked games because they NEVER EVER come into open games.
Let them make their own lobby.

untrue, I came from locked games
over 8 years

galaxies says

Kenny says


over 8 years
> Thinks locked games = more people in sandbox.
>None of us knows any of the people in locked games because they NEVER EVER come into open games.
Let them make their own lobby.
deletedover 8 years

Kenny says


over 8 years
welcome to golbox
over 8 years
where's the Chrisbox I miss the time when sandbox was under his rule
over 8 years
over 8 years
Good thread