good times! lol at the names of the trophy winners
Colombe says pamda says Colombe says Did i ever ask you to translate pamda ? Thanks for nothing you can dispose colombe what the f is ur problem lmao. Pam asked me to.... i never translated anything for u. Just shut up and go eat some baguette or something. why are you talking to me, i told you you can dispose ? You have skype you can translate this in private, like you think i care about you "being done". what about you sucking simplypam in private ? reminder that colombe was supposed to hit that trophy
becomeclear chose armed and redacted bless him
deleted almost 9 years
Giga96 says it's ok gerry i'll comp it myself, thanks though whats the link to it
it's ok gerry i'll comp it myself, thanks though
Mori says This whole thing is hilarious. Togepi says This is so weird. deleted almost 9 years
i don't actually know what happened but anyway hotline miami is a good game
This whole thing is hilarious.
deleted almost 9 years
Hey Edark dude whats up
harodihg says This is pretty cringy overall deleted almost 9 years
alice is confirm Donald Trump NO MEXICANS
deleted almost 9 years
do it.
did i say foreign ban, i meant forum ban.
tempted to foreign ban everyone who posted in the last 5 pages
deleted almost 9 years
tempted to run on SDS on my alt because i'm a fool
how u gonna just call her a b*tch like that smh
Ay devante remember that latina girl we were trying to hit up a few months back.. The b*tch trophied ffs
deleted almost 9 years
Some people wanna kill their sorrows...
Devante, the last of the good mods
The gates have been unlocked
Pour up (mad), head shot (mad) Sit down (mad), stand up (mad) Pass out (mad), wake up (mad) Forum Post (mad), forum post(mad)
C'est pas en me parlant espagnol que tu vas reussir a me faire partir. Tu seras mignon de ne pas parler au nom du peuple lorsque tu n'es qu'un bouffon. Un bouffon assez entouré peut être, mais même avec tes alliés tu ne m'arrives pas à la cheville.
deleted almost 9 years
What is even going on