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over 8 years

The document that will be posted here, essentially is going to have a few things on it. These things will include:

  • Game Modes
  • Terminology
  • Twists
  • Challenges

It's organized in a manner that has all the game modes separated with their own terminologies and twists grouped with them.

At the top, is the new and improved challenge document people can use to determine what challenges are hosted in the game. When you do go to use this, just be mindful that certain challenges can only be hosted at certain times.

It is hoped that you all will be able to look at this doc and have an easy time at finding what game you want to host with which challenges. If you have anymore questions or concerns about this, then feel free to message the lobby owner or one of the moderators

The Great Big Doc of Everything:

Be sure to check out this link if you're new: