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Dearest Kino

deletedabout 10 years

Since my 'rehabilitation' I have done my best to avoid causing or being a part of any major drama on this site, and I have done it quite well. So when I discovered that you'd been account sharing with Eris as a mod, and let him do hundreds of reports just so you could use ErisCache and ErisSearch to search for people talking about you in games, and Eris was busily forum suspending moderators, I merely let Vancy know that it's possible to still log into an account after the password is changed, via cookie sessions, and agreed not to post this on the forums or cause any drama.

When you were remodded, and playing with Eris in Sandbox & PM'ing him on his evasion accounts, I also ignored this, because it was none of my business, I had told Vancy my concerns, I had warned you to stop, and it was none of my business. Two instantly demoddable offences that you got away with.

However, when you lied to Josh and told him that I'd outed his alts (which, due to the fact I didn't have ErisCache back then, I didn't even know - perhaps you should try a more plausible cover story next time), it became my business. I dislike it when people lie about me, strangely. And when your arguing with Eris led to him causing these mass refunds that have caused me to waste a week of my life running for a trophy that's now gone down the drain, that annoyed me even more.

If you're going to manipulate intelligent people, be aware of the consequences. I never knew Josh's alts, therefore I couldn't have told Vancy or anyone other mod what they were. Don't use me an excuse for things you've done and bring down someone's anger on me when I've done nothing but favours for you by not outing this before.

Oh, and as I did warn you before, I suppose it's natural to say "I told you so".

about 10 years
i remember my first beer
deletedabout 10 years
congratulations on your good grades :]
deletedabout 10 years
Istead of being a lightweight I am in col,ege and got A's on my finas today, and therefore drank an anhealthy amount.
deletedabout 10 years

Apostasy says

I'm morew adrunk than everyone else logged intso epicmafiska right now

must be tough being a lightweight
deletedabout 10 years
I chsalenge kino to a gam of whiskep ponhg ind and if she loses she steps downs a mod
about 10 years
oh i see
deletedabout 10 years
I'm morew adrunk than everyone else logged intso epicmafiska right now
about 10 years

Sims says

hack me you cowards

deletedabout 10 years

kino says

ScubaSteve says

the part where you made it sound like you only let him on your account like once and made it sound like a one time isolated incident.

i dont know where i made it sound like that but it's not what i meant to do

kino says

i only shared once

that kind of implied it, so I guess like I said, I just misunderstood you.
about 10 years

ScubaSteve says

the part where you made it sound like you only let him on your account like once and made it sound like a one time isolated incident.

i dont know where i made it sound like that but it's not what i meant to do
deletedabout 10 years
Like why is moderating this site taken so serious anyway? It's all in good fun
deletedabout 10 years

kino says

yeah that was all he did, i'm not sure where you're being sarcastic and where you're not

I was only being slightly sarcastic when I was addressing the part where you made it sound like you only let him on your account like once and made it sound like a one time isolated incident.

Even if it wasn't, like I said, at least he had good intentions or whatever and didn't screw up half the site like Petri did when Index gave up his mod password.
deletedabout 10 years
Also from the outside and no real opinion on kino I don't think what she did was wrong or that she should be punished. Let her live her life
about 10 years

kino says

i'm not sure where you're being sarcastic and where you're not

i have trouble following this myself to be honest
about 10 years
they mightve been more than 2 weeks apart but they were both under kino, i don't think it really matters, i knew he had access to my account for more than a little bit, i never said otherwise

yeah that was all he did, i'm not sure where you're being sarcastic and where you're not
deletedabout 10 years
Oh. So they weren't more than two weeks apart like I was told, and you were completely unaware he was on your account for more than just one night or day or whatever.

I guess it was just a misunderstanding. Even if it wasn't, he only did like 50 reports and updated his database, after all. This was all pretty silly.
deletedabout 10 years
At least the title of the thread is nice.
about 10 years
yes.... usually when you change a password it's at a different time than the previous one
about 10 years
hack me you cowards
about 10 years

different time stamps. check mate. now I'm going back to sleep
about 10 years
i haven't been a small jar of peach halves on skype for a long time... like a really long time, idk when but it was months ago, that should give some insight on the sort of time period this ss was taken
about 10 years
i never change my password. hack me
about 10 years
because i changed my password as is pretty normal for mods? i don't count each password as a different share. it was all the same timespan
about 10 years
steve is not my friend
deletedabout 10 years
EpicMafia doesn't require a two-step login. Why did he need two passwords for the one time you shared your account with him?