Lynch me or not

This game mode is heavily based on trying to lynch people, the fool and hunter want to be lynched, the lyncher and cop want their guiltys/target lynched, mafia wants the mastermind dead, the governor can change lynches, the miller exist to be a cop guilty and would likely be cc-ed by mafia especially if guiltied

So mafia sided, town sided, fool sided, lyncher, mastermind, any criticism is welcome.

If you like it upvote please.
deletedabout 11 years
Does this really have to be multi just for the change of 2 roles?
about 11 years
The purpose of the multi is so that the traitor can't be sure if he is talking to spy or agent. Not to mention multi setup isn't meant to be two COMPLETELY different setups
about 11 years
i like the multi/traitor/agent/spy idea but there is wayyy too much going on beside that. i'd make it a bit simpler. other than that good job
about 11 years
I like how its multi for that purpose, very interesting game setup