Alcoways still not the Tracker

Tracker, BG, 2 Stalkers, 0-3 Mort/Blue. One mafia stalks kill n1. Mafia will likely want to cc tracker if a blue/mort dies n1. If mafia kills tracker n1, they may opt to not claim tracker at all. This setup allows mafia to hide in blue/mort. I would recommend claiming mort as mafia for more flexibility (you can claim tracker bussed, if your partner gets lynched and there are no other living morts) Tracker tracking stalker will allow him to clear someone else if that stalker doesnt stalk the night kill so use stalks carefully/sparingly after n1. Good luck. ***Competitive 3 times***
almost 15 years
9 town 10 maf win so far
almost 15 years
Stats are skewed by bad townies.
almost 15 years
9 town 12 maf...i agree alco, i think it will even out...agree with you alco, lots of n1 bg deaths and such so far
almost 15 years
11 town 14 maf, time to play it ranked..
almost 15 years
12 town 15 maf
deletedalmost 15 years
almost 15 years
12 town 15 maf + whatever ranked results...woooot...think this has good potential
almost 15 years
No reveal + day 1 mylo will never be town sided in the current state of EM.
almost 15 years
People don't like to think, they like to do as their loving clear says.
almost 15 years
50/50 sweeeeeeeeeeeet <3
deletedalmost 15 years
finding out that the n1 death = stalker is funny
almost 15 years
lol SMS
almost 15 years
fun setup
almost 15 years
Extremely fun setup.
deletedalmost 15 years
I love you eritas
almost 15 years
This deserves more karma.
almost 15 years
Best setup of the round.
almost 15 years
thanks karmaloop :]
deletedalmost 15 years
pretty good actually
almost 15 years
This is my favorite setup of all time. :) I love how townies have to make decisions off of possible fake mort/tracker. So many different stalker claim combinations too. tracker/jailer, mort/mort, mort/bg, etc etc. This setup is great :P
deletedalmost 15 years
took me a min to figure it out, but i love this setup!
deletedalmost 15 years
Karmaloop 1 day 6 hours
Best setup of the round.
deletedalmost 15 years
I fucking hate this setup
deletedalmost 15 years
I like how even the win stats are
almost 15 years
sunandmoon is a fucking idiot