Wizko's Classic Variant v2

Same deal as the original except with a lawyer instead of a nilla and a normal cop. Grow some balls and play a mafia-sided set up. Originated by maxwell.
almost 15 years
<3 <3
almost 14 years
Good pick.
almost 14 years
love the original, hopefully this is as good
almost 14 years
I like this setup. :D My favorite so far this round.
almost 14 years
What's the purpose of miller? There is no nilla in this setup.
almost 14 years
Trewdys, are you retarded? It's for the false guilty.
almost 14 years
Fine. I haven't played in a long time.
almost 14 years
Well originally there was a nilla. But it still serves its purpose.
almost 14 years
So townsided. This setup is better than townSDS but it still requires exceptional maf/derpy town/lucky maf for maf to win imo.