Reverse Mafia 2.0

Shoot on the day time instead of shooting at night. Adding a gunsmith so probably those traitors have more fun on the day time.
about 12 years
This isn't as townside as it seems, traitor just needs to stop shooting their stalker.
about 12 years
Played it only one time and I already like it better as the original reverse maf
about 12 years
This is way too townsided. Stalker can never out or he'll get shot by someone holding a gun or hunter gets lucky and shoots stalker, etc. Too many guns for only 1 maf to go against.
about 12 years
Plus, there are way too many town to start out. If mason gets a traitor, then Day 1 there are already 5 town vs 4 mafia (let's assume fool gets killed N1). How is it reverse mafia if town already has majority on Day 1?
about 12 years
Also if stalker shoots a traitor N1 then it's basically autolose for maf. AKA this setup sucks.
about 12 years
grain is just mad because i shot him d1