Lynch or be lynched (LOBL)

Village: Be active and scumhunt/RL d1. Find out which PR combination (if any) is applied on lylo through claims, being hooked/guised and hooker/disguiser death. See through mafia's fake claims.

Mafia: If RLed d1 fake claim a PR to find info on which PR's are alive, or if you're lucky the role will be Uncced, thus, misleading town and buying an extra day. One mafia can purposely fake claim or cc a PR on lylo to throw the village off.
deletedover 14 years
Counter strategy to cop claiming day 1 (assuming both mafia alive): hook and kill the cop. if the cop dies, mafia claims watcher. (one is sure to be on the report, I forget which) as an example of this mafia strat in action
over 14 years
Is there any way that mafia can know each other D1? This punishes the mafia if they scumhunt well D1 and catch their buddy...
over 14 years
all the nubs are to afraid to play this.
over 14 years
so good
deletedover 14 years
rev up those ropes because I sure am ready to scumhunt!
over 14 years
Seriously do not claim blue to get lynched, that doesn't fuckin help town at all.
deletedover 14 years
people are so bad at this... -_-'
deletedover 14 years
Good setup, but people blow it.
over 14 years
God damn I enjoyed this immensely last round
deletedabout 14 years
about 14 years
I like this setup!
Multisetups are usually pretty good!
deletedabout 14 years
I like this setup. It's fun.
almost 14 years
There is a slight problem with this setup IMO. The fourth one compared to the other ones, is maf sided. Town usually cant scumhunt well, and without prs they are helpless.
almost 14 years
great setup :D
almost 14 years
for some reason i'm not enthusiastic about this setup, maybe because it has only seven people
almost 14 years
4th seup sucks
about 13 years
6969 total games. hawt
about 13 years
This is a setup for truly skilled players only. If you can't scumhunt, don't join because if you do, you will meet your demise.
over 12 years
over 11 years
Kennedy how have you only won 1 game out of 192
over 11 years
It's called a glitch
over 8 years
might be time to remove the "fk your bf" strategy
not really legitimate at all
over 6 years

watcher + doctor + 3 blues and nilla + guiser

AND 5 blues and nilla + guiser are both setups that exist in this one setup.

I'm not a fan
over 6 years
This setup is dumb as because it lacks a lyncher.
almost 6 years
dont know why but i always hated this setup