"Why is this setup so scum sided?" "This is ridiculously town sided." Yet, statistics show it is almost 50/50. QUIT COMPLAINING PEOPLE, STATS DON'T LIE.
how is it awfu;l? its the best scumhunting setup there is, mafia actually have leverage for mutliple different tactics and can decide to throw curveballs to make it interesting. im deffo looking forward to this being compd in future
deletedover 12 years
one of those times where i agree wholeheartedly with player. scary.
I used to like this setup but it's gotten to the point where it's just constant sac after sac you don't even get to play anymore.
As blue you are pretty much fucked, if you can get your hand in one lynch it's a good game. Setups where maf can just lazily sac their way to 3 way are shit IMO.
This setup is a challenge for both sides, and the tide can easily be shifted in it. Lynching a mafia on Day 1 is but one obstacle which the town needs to overcome in order to win. I like this setup because it isn't automatically game when mafia is lynched in bomb/cop/oracle ccs most of the time. I dislike this setup for the fact that mafia can sac to get an easy way out often, and for the strenuous mylo nk nl situation that often results in town being too cowardly to lynch somebody.