Unique Random (outdated #5)

Updated for Journalist and Angel.

No warlock, baker, blue, 'nilla, leader, samurai, janitor, tailor, mortician, monk, zombies, naive or paranoid cop, Cthulhu, enforcer, or shrink.

My reasons:
*Warlock and Baker tend to end games early for no real reason.
*Nobody wants to be a Blue, 'Nilla, Leader, Gallis, or Samurai.
*Monk is a 3rd party, but generates as a townie, depriving the town of a member and making the game that much harder.
*Janitor and Tailor are rendered completely useless by leaving your role in your will.
*Mortician is useless without a janitor or tailor, and anyways nobody wants to be one.
*Zombies are too strong; if the random roles don't include a doc, they are an upgrade over the cult in every way.
*Once they've found their sanity, Naive and Paranoid cops are essentially blues.
*Similarly, Enforcer and Shrink are functionally 'nillas/blues if there is no converting role.
*Cthulhu is screwed if there's no Cult, and anyways once someone goes crazy they'll just spell the Cthulhu's name in caps, outing him/her.

(Sandbox is srs bznz)