The Power of 10

A basic setup where inno is not necessarily an inno and a guilty is not necessarily a guilty with multiple setups and millers flying everywhere. Good thing town has a ml to test. This setup is for serious scumhunting and should not be ventured into lightly, happy hunting. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROTIP for scum stalker should cc drunk, lawyer ccs bg and nilla claims blue -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROTIP for town if bg dies cop stays quiet day one and lets town scumhunt and rl even if you have a guilty report. If cop dies drunk claims to lead and get bg protection. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
over 14 years
I would like to start getting stats on this but it seems to be trolled
deletedover 14 years
I made it competitive. Change the name to something more clever ;/
deletedover 14 years
It works.
over 14 years
I think it looks maf sided, especially given the current EM population :|
over 14 years
This is meant to be a pro game and was designed as such, hopefully fail players who cannot scumhunt look at this and see how hard the setup is and will stay away from it
over 14 years
won the first as maf.
over 14 years
why is this so town sided
over 14 years
ok this is balancing out pretty much.
over 14 years
It is going to tip to scum sided soon due to fail towns
over 14 years
holy shit it's even right now
deletedover 14 years
One of the few setups I actually think are good.
deletedover 14 years
needs more play
deletedover 14 years
Setup is under appreciated >: Actually the best setup this round <.< =] gj J!
about 14 years
This setup is like 307% better than SDT
about 14 years
i named this motherfucking setup x)
deletedabout 14 years
Leaning scum sided.

Also, it's not some super pro game, it's a game where you have 1/4 chance of having a ton of millers or having no millers.
deletedabout 14 years
lmao more maf sided than SDS now lmao lmao lmao
about 14 years
This is only scum-sided because towns dont know how to play