KQ's setup modified using CrazyBruce's advice. Mafia no kills, baker gives bread and claims so he can get lynched during the day. NO KILLS. NO SKILLS. NO MERCY. NO REMORSE. ONLY LUCK. Are you BAD ENOUGH DUDE to MAKE THIS SETUP COMPETITIVE?
almost 14 years
The ultimate popularity contest. You can only play it if you play with people that will bread you.
almost 14 years
Then the driver comes and steals your bread right there.
almost 14 years
Nice to know i get negged for calling a setup as it is. It sucks, thats why people are negging it. Enjoy the fail setup.
almost 14 years
If you dont like the setup then dont play it you dumbass. Or go get a damn trophy yourself and pick your own
almost 14 years
When trophies actually matter.... Let me know. until then keep the negs coming. clearly they dont matter. SO if you want to keep bitching and telling people to neg me. then be my guest.
almost 14 years
how is that? can't mafia kill anyone at nights?
or meybe wrong kill and if mafia choose a wrong braker to kill 2 mafias, BOOOOOOOOM.
almost 14 years
If the maf could double kill bombs with driving it would be fun :\
over 10 years
Hoping it stays comp for fun round lol