Lawyers WIFOM!

-Kawp here duck wheesper me. ...Hmmmmmmmmmmmm I got a guilty so the guilty is clear millager right..........? -No faggot, lawyers could lawyer no one! Also there is no whispers lrn2play >:3
over 14 years
Ok I made it day-start so cop can claim D1 and doesn't die N1.
over 14 years
no night doesn't really help balance it out.

its just the fact that NO cop report is useful. Honestly not one reason for cop to even be there.

Add whispers and it should balance out a little.. but I'd take away one blue/miller as well.
over 14 years
Heh, no jep that's like saying cop's report in "catch me if you can" is useless. And also cop dies in 1/6 of the games n1 and they are mafia wins usually so having confirmed cop d1 = very good for town.
deletedover 14 years
I'm going to play this right now!