Politics as Usual

A game revolving around the Janitored role on N1. One of the earliest set-ups on EM, and considered to be a classic =)
almost 14 years
I'm depressed that this is the most balanced setup comped this round...and it's 53-46
almost 14 years
this setup is fine. its just morons who don't have a brain. use deductive reasoning. all it is, is ppl relying on the PR's to win. that's not what mafia is about. mafia is about deductive reasoning. not relying on " so and so visted so and so". stfu and use your brain and this is a good setup.
almost 14 years
Eric, relying entirely on reports is the definition of deductive reasoning. What you mean to say is that people should be using inductive reasoning.
almost 14 years
best competitive setup
over 13 years
Awesome setup imo.
deletedover 13 years
SDS is better
over 13 years
123edgeworth 4 days 12 hours
SDS is better
over 13 years
This setup is overrated so much. I agree with Blaze, it depends on the N1 kill so much.
over 13 years
so wait...let's get this straight...you're complaining that a setup that specifically mentions in its description that it revolves around the n1 kill...is too centered on the n1 kill

gj bro
over 13 years
Haters gonna hate.
deletedabout 13 years
this setup really helps people become better at cc'ing. mafia often need to think quick on the spot depending on how the reports work out.
about 13 years
luck setup number one
about 13 years
Can't believe this setup is still around! Let's be fair, it was always boring, formulaic and incredibly luck-based. I imagine that a couple of extra years of strategy have not improved that situation. It was a great setup for its time, but now it's time to leave it for the museum, yes?
deletedabout 13 years
almost 13 years
I missed its 4th birthday :(
almost 12 years
Happy 5th birthday rofl.
deletedover 11 years
Holy crap that was the fastest year of all time
over 11 years
This setup is honestly difficult for either alignment and that's why it was so popular. People got lazy and don't like difficulty now.
deletedabout 11 years
shit setup, bodyguard outcome is luck based too
deletedabout 11 years
about 11 years
Nice to see this being dusted off this round. Fun setup - lots of possibilities and tons of variation.
about 11 years
lel, this setup is mylo d1 with janitor - how it's 53-47?
about 10 years
because its literally impossible to be matched with 2 other mafia partners that know how2p
about 10 years
In terms of numbers, this is literally the best serious setup to date and it forever will be (because people don't play it). Playing 46.5% town to 53.5% mafia setup is basically the ideal setup. However, players of today don't think of playing with difficulty, so this is why the setup that has lived for nearly 7 years stays there almost untouched.