Setup 1340622

Okay help. I deleted and rebalanced and then reverted this setup after literally spending hours just thinking about how to balance it.

The game can pretty much be decided through bad luck on night 1, however unlikely the circumstances may be. If Ghoul's ability kills the Illusionist, and Cop and Mimic are both on Actress, it's game over.

Can be almost as bad for town. Ghoul gets Doc killed, Cop gets shot, and anyone but Turncoat or Mafia gets lynched.

I don't want to bloat the setup too much by just piling on roles to counteract elements of each other.

I'd rather not replace the Turncoat with an actual mafia member, because I never see Turncoats used (hmm…) and I like the idea of the Ghoul or someone with a key trying to claim Turncoat and take a hit when they can.

I thought about using a Lazy Cop in case of n1 maf death, but that would interfere with some of the more fun ways to try to make the Illusionist waste their shot and generally make it less likely for reports to help.

I'd rather have uncertainties arise from players' claims and interactions than a misinformed cop, so if it can be helped, no potential Insane Cop, Miller, Suspect, or Godfather.

I want the mafia to have some information, night kills, and a gun to shoot the cop with. Giving mafia more killing power in any form seems to make town's worst situations unsalvageable and do little to save the mafia in their worst situations.

uuuuuggghhh what do I dooooo