Vests & Hookers

Fancier Variation of Guns & Hookers
about 9 years
Similar to the Guns & Hookers setup:

> ##***TOWN***##

***Deputy***: the gunned should out N1 (as the name is not revealed, roleswaps are possible. However be careful not to rs with mafia)

***Cops***: Out before or after deputy out, doesn't really matter as mafia is not gunned in this case. But you must out D1 unless deputy is hit

***Blacksmith***: It is not optimal to vest in D1 for a number of reasons.

1. You may vest hooker and shooting in blues is no longer possible
2. Cannot differentiate **Cop** with **Gramps**

Shooting in Blues my be optimal as Gramps will always cc and shooting in PRs will lead to a 4 way later in the game.


> ##***MAFIA***##

***Hooker***: Always hook N1 and towntell. **DO NOT CC PR**

***Gramps***: Always cc cop (preferably cop, but other roles can work) and note that you can't die, so if you are shot and lynched, town will end up in a 4 way :P
about 9 years
Not similar to guns and hookers.. you have 3 pr's against 2 mafia.. that's fail as heck and will be way to town sided. Good look not getting this blacklisted.This might work if you add another mafia and another blue. Btw , if you do try the 9 person set make sure the next mafia is a pwoer role mafia.. not just a nilla.