Christmas Mourning

Santa can tell who is naughty or nice. Usually. Just to be extra cautious he's riding with some backup this Christmas. Be VERY CAREFUL WITH YOUR WORDS in all the excitement of opening presents and accusing your friends of murder. Your survival will require a creative tongue to avoid the Voodoo Lady's hex, and a clever mind to divert the gaze of the Hooker.
over 9 years
Looks interesting to say the least, I'll give it a shot
over 9 years
Thank you Mikey for creating this set-up it is most definitely interesting and I enjoyed it very much. I decided to jot down a view strategy's which I hope could improve gameplay. Once again, thank you for the time and effort you put into this set up, well done.
over 9 years
This is mafia sided since Santa's powerlevel is roughly worth ~1.5 prs and mafia have voodoo which is worth ~1.5 mafia prs

And the town don't have an ml either. If you add a town pr worth ~1 town pr such as doctor or watcher, then this is likely to be more balanced.