All of these people playing it as ranked....don't you guys realize that this isn't a rank-based setup? It isn't designed to be ranked and is actually purposefully designed to be heavily cult-sided.
This is not the heavily cult sided version. The one with fool is insanely difficult for town, this one is not very hard at all if you do ok with the N0 guns.
deletedover 10 years
So you are saying that the only chance for town to win is by luck from yolo shooting?
No what I meant is the only time I've seen town lose this version is when they give away tons of guns and those guns go to bad guys.
Basically in unranked your going to see 4-5 guns D1 bc people hate being patient but town still wins as long as the baddies that hipfire don't manage to chain reaction kill tons of town thanks to lovers.
I'll try to find some games of it ranked and see what its like when town is actually trying. But even when they are around I see town win this most of the time.
Give me a PEEEEEE! Give me an OHHHH! Give me an AYYYYYY! Give me an ENNNNNNNNN! Give me a TEEEEEEEE! Give me an EFFFFFFFF! Give me an EEEYYYYYYYY! GIVE ME AN ARRRRRR! GIVE ME AN EMMMMMMMMMM! What does that spell? POINTFARM!
Yo I realize that it's unbalanced, but it's fun and that's all I want it to be. If you don't like this setup, don't play it. You don't need to hate or be jealous that this has more upvotes than your setups. Thank you.