  • If no lynching, chooses one target at the end of the day.
  • The target will be visited by the Interrogator and jailed at night.
  • The target will be immune to night actions (except driving).
  • The target cannot do any action except write a will.
  • The Interrogator and the target can converse at night.
  • The Interrogator's identity is not revealed to the target.
  • The Interrogator can choose to kill the jailed person. Counts as a visit which can be role blocked.
  • Does not attend mafia meetings.
  • Sided with the mafia.

In popular setups

Courtroom played 479 times
Thiefster Multi played 203 times
Jailer vs Gator played 195 times
Disorganized Crime played 136 times
over 13 years
stupid with being able to show in reports, when it's done during day
over 13 years
Good call adding the "but he can't kill" addendum. I like this idea.
over 13 years
CrazyDiamonds 5 hours 28 minutes
Needs to be renamed to "Rapist".
over 13 years
nope! thats the point. so people would have to be a lot more careful when claiming if both interrogator and jailer are alive.
deletedover 13 years
I'm assuming the townie knows they're getting interrogated and NOT jailed?
over 13 years
say theres a watcher and cop alive on mylo. then town nls since its mylo. then the watcher gets captured and mafia just got free reign to shoot the cop and get away with it.
over 13 years
this role isnt meant only to get claims, it can also stop prs from doing their thing on mylo and makes watchers be more wary of claiming even with doc alive
deletedover 13 years
I think this would get pointless, everyone would just stop claiming to any jailer that would jail them.
over 13 years
over 13 years
over 13 years
Needs to be renamed to "Rapist".
over 13 years
Needs more cowbell.