Old Maid
  • Can choose one player to switch roles with each night
  • Nothing can prevent the role switch
  • Old Maid cannot win
over 6 years
Enable this in main lobby plz :3
over 7 years
I have a great idea for this in a main lobby setup, where players are constantly trying to steal each other's role. Too bad it can't be used there...
over 8 years
I was killer, role stolen last day
i hate this role
about 9 years
LMFAO if she cannot win, then why does it exist?
about 9 years
HAHHA stupidest
over 9 years
Old Maid cannot win, LOL
over 10 years
they don't wake LM
over 10 years
Jesus Christ I hate this role
over 10 years
Lol. In Sandbox, I count it as a win if you start as the maid, take a mafia, make the town lynch a third on four-way, then kill the guy thats maid at the time and get maided at the same time. Not only did I get the last kill, but I ended the game how I started: an innocent old lady innocently stealing Social Security Numbers
almost 11 years
If Maid Maids a Yak who is Yakking, Yak goes through, and both Maid and Yak die
deletedabout 11 years
If an old maid steals a sheriff, they get regunned. If multiple maids steal the same person, they all get the role. Multiple maids can be forced to scumhunt to steal the one town or maf role to actually win, but instead lynch among themselves, making them the real reverse mafia candidate. Do not dismiss them for legit setups.
over 11 years
Why does this role exist >_> it just designates who gets to troll the game, thats not fun.
over 11 years
I have mixed emotions about this role.
over 11 years
Best role ever
deletedover 11 years
yes it's the worst role to be in a game since you can't win.
over 11 years
Quite possibly the worst role. Of all.
over 11 years
Old maid shouldn't be able to maid Granny.
deletedover 11 years
awesome addition.
deletedover 11 years
Zedifo 4 hours 22 minutes
THIS IS THE GREATEST ROLE EVER CREATED someone finally understands.
over 11 years
over 11 years
Mafia getting maided and outting their partners is about the stupidest thing ever.
deletedover 11 years
also, if mimic mimic's old maid, then the old maid's target turns into old maid, the mimic turns into old maid, old maid turns blue. you lose a role, basically.
over 11 years
Note: If you select cop, you learn his sanity.
over 11 years
just found out, if a mimic and an old maid are both on a celeb. the old made doesn't exist anymore. original celeb is blue. the mimic and maid turn into celebs.
over 11 years
getting this n1 wouldn't be bad, as you could switch easily.