No it doesn't. The main point is to prevent "Cop claims d1 and doc is on him" because if you protect the cop, you roleblock him in the process. So no sanity stuff.
deletedabout 13 years
I'd like it if it appears to be Sane Doc to the player.
This would be awesome if the doctors don't know their sanities, just like cop/insane cop. Even if that's not the case, this role is still useful. Plussed (not like it matters cause lucid is making this role anyway).
How do I submit icon? I have it on paint but what do i do from there?
deletedabout 13 years
I like how my icon (I'm Zidddude, lol) got two negs almost simultaneously. I had to plus them again on both my accs, so yeah, thanks whoever negged them -.-