
closedforGame 2994937about 10 years Cheating. he knew im not gs and when <Mii claimed when she was guiltied he believed her. I am sure they are cheating c:
closeddeletedforGame 2994937about 10 years
Claimed GS as blue, GT. If mafia killed cop then we could have lost b/c of him gamethrowing.
closedforGame 2994774about 10 years
claimed blue when gunned mafia asked them what role he was. he flipped cop instead.
closedforGame 2994760about 10 years
GT day 1, didn't cc cop
closedforGame 2994750about 10 years
vegged to avoid auto-loss
closedforGame 2994750about 10 years
sui suddenly when it's auto d2
closedforGame 2994750about 10 years
closedforGame 2994719about 10 years
left the game (suiciding) making it unranked d2
closedforGame 2994686about 10 years
He game threw, when he was about to lose he laughed. He told everyone I was mafia too.
closeddeletedforGame 2994530about 10 years
I have a feeling he's a banned user "robotduckandgiraffe". He's main goal in life is to annoy the fuck outta me and make sure I don't win a game. Example : . This game : check day 1, 11:56
closeddeletedforGame 2994446about 10 years
Vegged and lost the game for town
closedforGame 2994370about 10 years
closedforGame 2994370about 10 years
closedforGame 2994337about 10 years
closedforGame 2994332about 10 years
She claimed agent on d1, and then on d2 claimed hit bp. She gamethrew by providing false information. Everyone thought she was mafia based on this. Gamethrow. Refund please.
closedforGame 2994316about 10 years
GT, hammered on cop on D3 when mafia was naked from oracle
closedforGame 2994309about 10 years
Sui'ed D1
closedforGame 2994271about 10 years
Gamethrowing. Lynched confirmed cop d2.
closedforGame 2994271about 10 years
Gamethrow d2 he checks uncc'd clear gs
closedforGame 2994267about 10 years
lost a game cause he didnt know what pr mean????????
closedforGame 2994256about 10 years
closedforGame 2994166about 10 years
Suicide on purpose to avoide lose.
closedforGame 2994160about 10 years
gamethrowing-- claimed cop with guilty on me-- for absolutely no reason-- then voted me on lylo despite me being cop's inno-- we were lucky mafia fucked up-- entire game he was targetting me-- obvious gt-- no need to give timestamps-- see his vote on day2--
closedforGame 2994140about 10 years