
Report #95,440

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closedover 10 yearsfor Game 2995043
gamethrowing n1 he forces nk bc he doesnt host kill (meta/OGI??), I WAS KILLING DOC TOO. then d1 he busses on a town ml which is blatant throwing since u get lynched for auto basically same as claiming mafia.
over 10 years
Host killing is considered to be rude. Generally, if mafia is nice, they do not host kill. It is not a meta or OGI. Host has to wait the longer for the game to start so it is rude to kill them off n1. It's just a common courtesy
over 10 years
Noi think you'll find you tried killing the host n1 i told you too change your vote in which you wouldnt,maybe try not to be rude