
Report #251,135

Report Details

closedalmost 6 years - harassment/slander. Implies that I'm some sort of sexual deviant/creep, that i'm 45 and have an attraction to young girls, because i pointed out that another user wasn't a paedophile. He also spends most of the game mocking me for bad english (?)

Anyway here's some precedent on why implying people are predators is a vio:
almost 6 years
Oh if you need more proof this is a grudge report, the Angola comment was one I copied from ABC, yet BSM only reported me, not the one who I quoted :O
deletedalmost 6 years
jeff told jakerton to stop and asked how it was related to the game instead of continuing to play and argue the whole time and then decide afterward that it upset him :)
deletedalmost 6 years
also next time u want to talk about age of consent laws, please remember the time that you told someone who was ra/ped as a teenager that you defended it by saying that you're right because you said 16 and i said i was 14 but then you went dead silent when i said it still happened when i was 16 too
almost 6 years
Amazingly, I got the wrong report because Jeff reports so many people. Here's the precedent :)
deletedalmost 6 years
this report is the entertainment i needed today
almost 6 years
The best part of this is BSM DMing Shoopie on Discord asking her to do the report.
deletedalmost 6 years
imagine being so mad that you were told that your blatantly disgusting beliefs about the age of consent laws were so bad that you randomly report someone for something they didn't say when it didn't bother you while they were saying it LMAO
almost 6 years
it's funny because i didn't even make repeated attacks, but rather laughed at the fact that your favorite movie is led by justin timberlake and christina ricci instead but go off ig
deletedalmost 6 years
sosyo is the one who ACTUALLY went in on you all game but for some reason you still report jeff for something he didn't even say and use an nv as "precedent" LMAOOOOO
almost 6 years
Making repeated/severe personal attacks toward or slandering another Epicmafia user when the user has asked the harasser to stop when the user has asked the harasser to stop when the user has asked the harasser to stop when the user has asked the harasser to stop when the user has asked the harasser to stop when the user has asked the harasser to stop when the user has asked the harasser to stop when the user has asked the harasser to stop when the user has asked the harasser to stop when the user has asked the harasser to stop when the user has asked the harasser to stop when the user has asked the harasser to stop when the user has asked the harasser to stop when the user has asked the harasser to stop when the user has asked the harasser to stop when the user has asked the harasser to stop when the user has asked the harasser to stop when the user has asked the harasser to stop when the user has asked the harasser to stop when the user has asked the harasser to stop when the user ha
almost 6 years
king of not knowing the rules of the site he moderates

almost 6 years
"As precedent for why Jeff deserves a vio, here is a link of someone calling Jeff a pedophile and getting no vio from me This is proof that Jeff deserves a vio for never once even saying I'm a pedophile. Thank you." -BSM
deletedalmost 6 years
also u never said u were mad or upset about it and he was mocking the fact that your grammar went out the window and half of what you said made no sense but once again you were never offended and never said to stop to any of it
deletedalmost 6 years
literally in what world LMAO all he did was point out that it was gross of you to whine about the fact that the age of consent laws are stupid (and then you said "um actually sweaty 14 is NOT the same as being 16" like there's a huge difference when i mentioned that i was ra/ped at 14 SO LMAO) and your precedent is a no vio so..... wyd....
almost 6 years
Also, I love how you link something as precedent, and it's a report where you gave no vio for someone implying I'm a predator ASKLJDFHASDVAKJSDKJ HEADAŚS

"Hey guys, here's precedent. This is a report where I say it's not a vio to do this very thing I am reporting for."
almost 6 years
1) You were laughing and acting 0% offended. As a mod, you know that you have to ask someone to stop so they know you're offended.

2) You literally made comments about Blister liking girls with single digit ages on the forums so I don't see where you got the nerve to act like you can now report ME for it when you didn't react.

3) Your English blew asś that's not my fault.

4) Never called you a sexual deviant, nor did I try to imply it. I did imply you're creepy though, because you are creepy.

5) If you're not 45, then say "I'm not 45, don't say that." Common sense.

Now that I've shown how caremad horrid your report is, have a horrible day weirdaśs.
deletedalmost 6 years
fck u too sosyo