
Report #199,144

Report Details

closedalmost 8 years
Inappropriate icon. References the possession of marijuana which is an illegal activity and against site rules Also has a gun in it. Which, isn't necessarily illegal, but I doubt the account owner has a firearm license.
almost 8 years
also desta thinks that downvoting me changes anything. my opinion is still much more supported than bebop or jimbei's. also, i'd be very concerned about people still playing epicmafia at 26 years old.
almost 8 years
I can't believe I fell for this joke report

good one neopets you absolutely tricked me
almost 8 years
"sorry guys i'm gonna have to sui this game. i rolled creepy girl but i'm a 26 year old man."
deletedalmost 8 years
now that im older im more aware of weed and murder, socially.
almost 8 years
ben i already said that the guns didn't really have an impact because america is very open about these things anyways.
deletedalmost 8 years
now that im older im more socially aware.
almost 8 years
im over neopets. this is just my un bc i made it a long time ago when i was much younger and liked it. now that im older im more socially aware. also, more people can make the connection between a picture of a marijuana leaf than neopets.
deletedalmost 8 years
more people die from prescription medications then they do from illegal drugs, if I set my avatar as adderall I expect more harsh treatment than Oniion here would have received.
almost 8 years
do u realise this game has guns in

do I need a firearm licence to get visited by gs

do I need a medical degree to roll doctor
almost 8 years
almost 8 years
more people smoke weed than commit murder?

you're right i guess that makes it worse. you really showed me :^)
almost 8 years
more people smoke weed than commit murder bebop. its not the same thing
almost 8 years
it's ok bebop I won't tell anyone that your secret alt is radiohated
almost 8 years
why are people addressing me on this report i'm not THAT famous

also danganmafia is literally babytown 3000 and needs to seriously get over itself. mafia is a game centered around *gasps from the audience* MURDER, are you gonna ban mafia in your lobby now too?
almost 8 years
the difference is that the age joke isnt harming anyone. the marijuana picture could harm the minors in this community by encouraging them. i admit that the guns probably wont do anything tho
almost 8 years
Neopet please quit bullying user Jimbei, that is not acceptable behavior.
deletedalmost 8 years
please kindly off? are you, par chance, trying to curse at me?

If profile age can be a joke, I don't see why marijuana and guns can't be as well. Both would breach the supposed terms of service of epic mafia.
almost 8 years
stop talking like we're in a shakespeare play im serious lol you're not funny or edgy. just let dm moderate itself
almost 8 years
jimbei please kindly off. thats an obvious joke and now youre just mocking me lol
almost 8 years
howdy there bebop how are you
deletedalmost 8 years
Oh, sorry, my bad.

Oniion's profile age is set to 5, yet you must be 13 or older to play epic mafia. Will something be done about this?
almost 8 years
Jimbei, I wouldn't be commenting on a report like this. DM has more minors than sandbox does. Marijuana is bad and a gateway drug which is why I reported Oniion. I'm sure they're a nice person, though.
deletedalmost 8 years
Oniion boy here has his location as beach city, which is most likely in Maryland. And, as Maryland law dictates, marijuana is legal for medical use within that state.

Let the man heal.
almost 8 years
almost 8 years
All Chaika does is cut himself on all that edge but even sandbox can't stand him ): so sad