
Report #173,773

Report Details

closeddeletedalmost 9 years
after multiple ppl asked them to stop, kept spamming
deletedalmost 9 years
deletedalmost 9 years
almost 9 years
those screenshots were all taken at the same time, if i decided to screenshot your entire spam fest, i would've had well over 20+ screenshots
deletedalmost 9 years
Lol at Cammy admitted she chose when and when not to screencap. ALSO, Garden can confirm about asking us to stop.
almost 9 years
There is no need to continue this conversation. Bottom line is that chat isn't moderated for spam, that is something that the lobby owner + lobby mods should handle.
almost 9 years
it's also not seen in that screenshot
almost 9 years
and i wasn't the only one who asked u to stop, i didn't find screenshotting other people asking you to stop necessary, since it's very clear you three were spamming, regardless of if anyone asked you to stop or not.
almost 9 years
asking 2 stop once is enough, i didn't see garden say anything
deletedalmost 9 years
Cammy asked us to stop once: seen here. After garden asked us to stop we stopped. After this Cammy went through and reported three users for spam out of the 6 users spamming. This is a joke. Toss this out.
almost 9 years
Well, I mean, reporting 3 people in such a short span is kind of baiting just a wee bit.
almost 9 years
ya reporting u 4 breaking the rules is baiting for attention haha
almost 9 years
drpeepee did nothing wrong
deletedalmost 9 years
Mods can you please throw out this report? Cammy is clearly baiting for attention
almost 9 years
My buttonhole is clenched, awaiting a moderators decision at this extremely important report.
almost 9 years
my screenshots don't have little context to them, you can clearly see that they're flooding the chatbox. not every1 photoshops screenies bc they have a sore buttonhole like u lil chaika
deletedalmost 9 years
don't you belong in main
almost 9 years
i did not witness garden taking care of anything, even though this is definitely noteworthy, can't he do something with these reports anyways?

what would be my motive to make you or any of these people i reported look bad... i have no history with any of you, like y'all legitimately broke the rules?

also in the rules it states chat spamming, i assume that includes lobby CHAT spamming as well, since it doesn't specify that it doesn't
almost 9 years
no i didn't i took all of those at the same time, i also don't have any friends
almost 9 years
That's how everyone does screenshots though. They take a picture with little context to it and the mods have no choice but to believe it as fact.
deletedalmost 9 years
41st comment! The lobby owner took care of it, negating any need for any of these reports. Your Screenshots that you took show users, you just picked the best ones to make your friends look best
almost 9 years
Chat isn't moderated for spam. Take that up with the owner, not the site mods.
almost 9 years
shygriff said it twice, thomas said it twice, and musume said it once

u clearly broke the rules bud :(
almost 9 years
the others only said it like twice, which i don't think it's considered spamming?
almost 9 years
Does anyone think Donald Trump studied Freud's theories?
almost 9 years
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck, IF a woodchuck could chuck wood? This raises a very valid question, to which someone do a Google search on. Does a woodchuck actually chuck wood? If so, why does this question pose an "IF"?