well i mean you not only sat there for hours leading a circlejerk, but youre now proceeding to try and defend your lover against a violation on a java mafia site, so i mean youre wasting your time as much as i am
deletedover 9 years
Holy , did you just sit there for hours waiting to screencap snippets to report people? Get a life.
1. Gaza is Israel's neighbor. Gaza is led by a terrorist organization. Do you contest this fact or do I have to show you evidence of the terrorist Gazan government? 2. How does the second image show HC? It is a fact-- The majority of Gaza supports strict Shariah law (which clearly conflicts with your so-called feminist ideals.) 3. Deux did claim he/she was agender. I said "LOOOL" to Myth's comment about War Demon. 4. How does the fourth screenshot show HC? I said I don't support fat people because of their glutton lifestyle.