Also, Skeptical, I have no history of throwing and I received a Negligence via ISP vio my first week on the site in November. I am a moderator and had absolutely no reason to throw that game. I do not throw games. I made a bad hammer because of confusing information and the kicks. Had KEYthe not kicked, I would've had time to reread the reports and figure it out. It's not my fault I was rushed with the hammer and didn't get to make a fully informed decision.
Just to reiterate, ISP negligence is only given if the "negligence" is due to a lack of effort put into the game, not if the "negligence" is a result of a genuine mistake.
I'll admit I missed that report that cleared him by Haru because I didn't have adequate opportunity to reread. There were two things that didn't make any sense to me though - Why did KEYthe have Dandelo in his report (Who was confirmed blue)? And why did they leave the watcher alive til the end of the game? That, coupled with the fact that KEYthe refused to explain anything to me and kicked made him look like the mafia. I fell for Princess' story and didn't take into account the report. I deserve negligence via ISP if anything, but I think given the events of the game, you could see why I was genuinely confused
This can't be considered ISP since thebrontosuarus definitely put sufficient effort into the game, and into resolving the meaning of the reports and claims, he just failed at it. Reminder that this game was extremely bizzare, and featured a guiser guising into the bodyguard who was killed by guarding the night kill whom the tracker also visited.
He hammered on the clear, but it's believable that he forgot about the tracker NV, especially since even theKEY didn't point it out. As for the day 1 claim which, yes, also cleared him for a number of reasons, I believe thebrontosaurus was genuinely confused about the claim, since theKEY did change his claim as a reaction test, and forced thebrontosaurus to go back and check manually, whereupon he was kicked on, and forced to make a split decision.
Game over. I just found definitive proof that you are just playing dumb. you already knew he was clear being uncc'd, and you knew tracker cleared him. From the game--- thebrontosaurus:
1). THIS WAS TOWN AUTOWIN, so it was DEFINITELY a game throw and deserves a refund, regardless if it was with malicious intent or NOT 2). THIS IS NOT TRAINING, THIS IS COMPETITIVE, so shit like "omgI didnt read and panicked" shouldn't be able to slide by throwing away an objectively autowin situation. 3) HE VOTED OFF OBJECTIVELY CONFIRMED TOWN THAT WAS CONFIRMED TWICE IN THE GAME.
you outright game threw by your actions, you lynched 100% OBJECTIVELY CONFIRMED TOWN, THAT WAS CONFIRMED TWICE IN THE GAME AND YOU TRY AND TALK YOUR WAY OUT OF IT? YEAH NO. If you can get away with pretending to play serious but secretly trolling and purposely throwing away TOWN AUTOWIN by voting off CONFIRMED TOWN THAT WAS CONFIRMED TWICE. TWICE.
I honestly didn't understand why KEYthe, as town, would refuse to help me out and then when I go back to reread, kick. Between being left alive all game as uncc'd watcher and his demeanor throughout the game, coupled with my inability to reread the game due to the kicks caused me to make the mistake. It was a bad hammer that I rushed, but I did not through the game and I participated sufficiently.
I was paying attention. I was baffled why the mafia would leave the uncc'd watcher alive for the entire game.
deletedalmost 11 years
I did refuse to explain, since I had explained before that. I don't think that it's a gt - it wasn't on purpose most likely. However, it is painfully obvious that bronto wasn't paying attention to the game, or just can't follow simple logic.
There was a kick and I panicked - I went to reread since KEYthe refused to explain why he put Dandelo in his report and I came back to the kicks. I bought Princess's story about not outting as watcher until the final day. The fact that they left the watcher alive made no sense to me. I made a terrible hammer, but it was not a throw. If KEYthe had cooperated with me and answered my questions and didn't kick, I probably would not have hammered him. He refused to explain himself.