
Report #93,027

Report Details

closedabout 10 years
This is how I appeal right? I didn't do anything but join games and try to win if this is harassment half of this site deserves to be permabanned. I was never once in any of those games abusive or rude and I never used foul language directed at zwink. In the first game I managed to decieve everyone into thinking I was a blue who was voting Zwink because of some grudge the reality is I WAS MAFIA PLAYING TO MY WIN CONDITION how about you guys give a vio to someone who deserves it aka THE TOWN PLAYER WHO SELF VOTED and gave mafia the win.
about 10 years
Someone find me a mod on this site who isn't trash pls
about 10 years
Honestly its just the principle of the thing I want my no vio. So because she gets mad about a loss and falsely reports me she gets to claim harassment the next time I join a game with her in it thats a joke show me some evidence of actual harassment and ill accept this. BUT YOU CAN'T BECAUSE I NEVER HARASSED HER IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM all I did was play the game.
about 10 years
My read is irrelevant in fact everything I typed into the chat is irrelevant this is a game about lying and that is what I did I lied and deceived my way to a win who are you to say what is or isn't the proper way to play epicmafia. Who is to say I actually had a grudge against zwink in the first game the only reason I typed that shit into that chat is because she has a habit of n1ing me.
about 10 years
Pretty sure you cannot appeal notes. That being said, it's only a note. I noted it because Zwink asked you repeatedly to leave after a game where you tunneled her claiming to have a "grudge" on her. Even if you were playing to your win condition trying to get her lynched, the fact that you based your read off of an alleged fake grudge is unacceptable. Nothing will come of it so long as you refrain from joining games with Zwink or exhibiting the same behavior any time again.