
Report #86,072

Report Details

closeddeleteddeletedover 10 yearsfor Game 2667319
GT. Grudge shot me because I talked bad about her friend shly8. I called her an idiot for gunning a non-clear. She shot me because of that.
over 10 years
ok, now OGI isn't vio anymore, good to know
deletedover 10 years
It was really just in the way you were acting. First day I thought you may have been maf just from watching the way you act. Second day was easy when Rin was town telling. Fact is I shot you when you were maf. How is it GT that I was right?
deletedover 10 years
Tell me why you fos'ed me then? You gave no indication that you thought I was mafia at all.
deletedover 10 years
I shot you because rin was town telling. You were my fos from d1. Sorry, but stop being so butthurt over your loss.
deletedover 10 years
Postgame: "Fuck off." After shooting me, proving that she shot me not because I was mafia but because I was saying stuff that she didn't like.