
Report #38,899

Report Details

closeddeletedabout 12 years
[APPEAL] Hateful Comments Excessive insults against one or more persons/groups based on slurs/comments against race, sexual orientation, religion or other similar personal circumstances. More likely to issue the violation if a person being abused has asked the offender or others in the game or thread to cease. Warning Warning 12 Hour Suspension and 24 Hour Forum Suspension 24 Hour Suspension and Forum Ban Ban

I feel this report should be handled differently and the user SHOULD get a violation because he broke the rule and used hateful comments on me that were in no way necessary to use. That wasn't the only game he called me names in, so if you need another game I can try and find it.
deletedabout 12 years
Rondar 2 hours 47 minutes
Another game would be very helpful.
deletedabout 12 years
Another game would be very helpful.